[ha-Safran]: Compilation of Mother's Circle book suggestions

2008-08-12 Thread Lori Amchin
Thank you to everyone who contributed ideas to this list!



Papa Jethro - Deborah Bodin Cohen
My Two Grandmothers - Effin Older
Sammy Spider books - Sylvia Rouss
Mendel's Accordion -  Heidi Smith Hyde and Johanna Van Der Sterre
"All About" Series (KarBen Publishing)
The Bedtime Sh'ma - Sarah Gershmann

* The Faith Club - Ranya Idliby, Suzanne Oliver, and Priscilla Warner
* The Blessing of a Skinned Knee - Wendy Mogel
* In the Image - Dara Horn

The Wholeness of a Broken Heart - Katie Singer
My Name is Asher Lev - Chaim Potok
Certain Girls - Jennifer Weiner
Exodus - Leon Uris
Plot Against America - Philip Roth
The Gilded Chamber: a Novel of Queen Esther - Rebecca Kohn
Morningside Heights - Cheryl Mendelson
Daughter of Two Mothers:  A True Story of Separation, Reunion, 
Loyalty and Love - Miriam Cohen
Miriam's Kitchen: A Memoir  - Elizabeth Ehrlich
The Memoirs of Gluckel of Hameln - Gluckel of Hameln

* = Highly Recommended

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[ha-Safran]: Fiction for The Mother's Circle

2008-06-17 Thread Lori Amchin
Our synagogue is the site of a Mother's Circle group, which is for 
non-Jewish women raising Jewish children.  I have been asked to 
provide a list of books for their book group.  There is a website 
(themotherscircle.org) which suggests a lot of non-fiction books, but 
I'd like to offer a few fiction titles as well.
If you have suggestions for fiction about interfaith families, I'd 
appreciate your sending them to me.
Lori Amchin
Congregation Beth Or
Maple Glen, PA

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Re: [ha-Safran]: cataloging non-fiction for lower and upper grades

2008-06-02 Thread Lori Amchin
Hello Melinda,

I separate non-fiction from fiction in both the Junior section and the Easy
section, which correspond to your two categories.  I have Junior Biography,
Nonf-Jr, and Fict-Jr, as well as Easy and Nonf-Easy sections.  I wanted to make
it easier for the teachers to locate books on a subject.

The exception is for Holocaust books.  I have a separate, higher shelf where I
combine easy non-fiction and fiction Holocaust books, so that the youngest
children can't pick them up without an adult's help.

By the way, our catalog is web-based, so you can take a look for 
yourself!  Here is the library page:

Lori Amchin
Congregation Beth Or
Maple Glen, PA

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[ha-Safran]: Children's Books in Spanish

2007-11-08 Thread Lori Amchin
This winter I am going with a group from my synagogue on a mission to 
Cuba, to visit the Jewish community there.  We would like to bring 
children's books with Jewish content, written in Spanish.  Does 
anyone have suggestions of titles and where to order them?  Thank you 
in advance!


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[ha-Safran]: Children of Jerusalem video

2007-09-16 Thread Lori Amchin
A  teacher here has requested a video called Yehuda, from the 
Children of Jerusalem Series, which we do not have.  Before I try to 
obtain it for our collection I was wondering if the video presents a 
fair picture of Orthodox Jews in Israel.  If anyone has knowledge of 
it, I'd appreciate your opinion.

I excerpt this quote below, to show you why I have concerns.
The sympathies and emotions in Children of Jerusalem lean towards the 
Palestinian children. Clearly, they are the more oppressed: their 
games revolve around violence; their land has been taken away; and 
real opportunities are few. And Neveen and Yacoub fit the organic 
make-up of the Middle East. By contrast, the lives of the Jewish 
children, their interests and heritage, appear grafted from Western 
European roots onto an unwilling host. 

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[ha-Safran]: Looking for a brochure

2007-07-20 Thread Lori Amchin

My rabbi has asked me to find a brochure called "Men's Role in 
Judaism" by Doug Bardon.  Does anyone know who publishes it?



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[ha-Safran]: Automation

2007-02-15 Thread Lori Amchin
I would appreciate hearing from synagogue librarians with automated 
circulation and inventory systems.

We currently have LibraryWorld but not with internet access.  Our 
entire collection is barcoded, but we haven't bought the scanner 
yet.  We have the old-fashioned cards and card box as a back-up and 
also to allow patrons to sign out books when I'm not here.

I have some specific questions:
How do patron numbers get assigned?
How do you obtain barcodes to match up with patron numbers?
Do you use a scanner for inventory?
What kind of problems have you had, and who helped you resolve them?
Do you feel you get adequate technical support?
Do you feel the automation is worth the investment?

Any additional comments will be much appreciated.  Thank you in advance!
Congregation Beth Or
Maple Glen, PA

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[ha-Safran]: Jimmy Carter's book

2006-12-19 Thread Lori Amchin
I was wondering whether synagogue libraries are planning to purchase 
Jimmy Carter's new book, Palestine Peace Not Apartheid.  I have read 
an email written by Alan Dershowitz which refutes and criticizes the 
book, and that leads me to not purchasing it.  On the other hand, 
there are congregants who might want to read it for themselves.  I 
would appreciate your opinions.  Thank you!
Lori A.
Congregation Beth Or
Maple Glen, PA

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[ha-Safran]: Laser Scanner for Synagogue Library

2006-06-27 Thread Lori Amchin
We are looking into buying a laser scanner for our synagogue library, 
and I wondered if any of you can recommend one for us.  The entire 
collection (of about 3500) is already barcoded.  We plan to have 
pages of the patron numbers in a binder, since we don't expect the 
members to carry library cards.  Since I need accuracy for scanning a 
barcode on a page, I was thinking that I need the feature of a 
trigger to turn on the laser.  What other features should I be 
thinking about?  For example, if someone has a strong recommendation 
for wireless, I'd be interested to hear about it.  So far I've seen 
what Demco has in their catalog, and I saw Surpass' website, which 
only had a couple of models.  I think Demco might be higher priced 
than other companies, but I don't know where to look.

Thank you in advance for your help!
Congregation Beth Or

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[Hasafran]: Church and Synagogue Library Association

2006-04-07 Thread Lori Amchin
Several years ago we actually joined CSLA and I attended a workshop 
in the Philadelphia area.  I was just starting out in my job, and it 
seemed like a good way to network with other librarians in my 
position.  It turned out that my synagogue was the only synagogue 
represented.  While the others were very welcoming, and some of the 
workshops were useful, I let our membership lapse.  I think that if 
there had been more synagogues involved, it would have been great.  I 
would suggest that you give it a chance, and check out the chapter in 
your area.

Lori A.
Congregation Beth Or
Maple Glen, PA

Ha-Safran (The Librarian)
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[ha-Safran]: Summary of Tree of Life Answers

2005-10-30 Thread Lori Amchin
Thank you to everyone who responded to my question about the origins of the 
Tree of Life.  I've cut and pasted all the responses for anyone who is 
Lori A.
Cong. Beth Or

It appears first as one of the trees in the garden of Eden in Bereshit 3:24.
In Mishley 3:18  one can find the verse, which became part of the prayer
service for putting the Torah in the Ark, after the reading in a Minyan. The
verse is "She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her, and happy is
every one that holdeth her fast". The Talmud since, understands it as
implying the Torah,

Take a look at Abram Kanof's, "Jewish Symbolic Art" (Jerusalem: Geffen, 
1990). The tree as a religious symbol appears in many places in and out of 
Judaism. It represents the Sefirot, the "Divine psychology" according to 
cabala. The menorah and the hanukkiah are in the form of a tree as well.


The source of the expression "Tree of Life" is Genesis 3:22.
The image of "Tree of Life" was used on illuminated manuscripts
In relation to the story of Gan Eden (paradise). It also symbolized God,
and Torah. I was unable, however, to find the literature on the symbol.

The Tree of Life is one of the 2 trees mentioned in Genesis' story of the
Garden of Eden.  Eating its fruit led to eternal life.

i had to read this one as an undergrad.  it took me a while to find it
again, but it's relevant:

Parpola, Simo. "The Assyrian Tree of life: tracing the origins of Jewish
monotheism and Greek philosophy"  in Journal of Near-Eastern Studies, v.
52, no. 3, July 1993.


according to dictionary of jewish lore and legend by alan unterman it's the 
tree in the center of the garden of eden/ it shared a common root with the 
tree of knowledge of good and evil. the miraculous rod of moses was cut 
from this tree. the torah is called a tree of life for its teachings are 
the aerthly equivalent of this plant in paradise. it is so huge that it 
would take 500 eyars to pass from one side of teh trunk to the other
according to encyclopedia judaica, saimilarities are in primitive folklore, 
ancient near eastern and mesopotamian folklore. in gilgamesh epic there is 
a plant with the power to rejuvenite the aged 9v.13 p 82

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[ha-Safran]: Tree of Life

2005-10-26 Thread Lori Amchin
One of the teachers has asked if I could help her find out the origins of 
the Tree of Life symbol.  Can anyone help us with this?  Thanks in advance!

Lori A.
Cong. Beth Or

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Re: [ha-Safran]: OT: More olim pictures and why do I post them

2005-08-07 Thread Lori Amchin
I was amazed to find a picture including my cousins who were in the Aug. 
3rd group!   I hope you don't mind that I forwarded the link to the parents 
of the young family of olim.  Thank you so much for bringing the special 
moment to us.
Lori A.
Cong. Beth Or

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Graduation Gifts

2005-03-15 Thread Lori Amchin
May I recommend :

The Golden Land: The Story of Jewish Immigration to America: An Interactive 
History With Removable Documents and Artifacts

The Golden Land is a museum-in-a-book that devotes a double-page 
spread--complete with removable letters, documents, and personal 
effects--to each of the successive waves of Jewish immigration to America, 
from the Germans and Eastern Europeans in the 19th and early 20th centuries 
to the refugees from the Nazis in the 1930s and '40s to the Soviet Jews in 
the 1970s and '80s.America was the first nation where Jews were regarded as 
citizens from the very beginning, and The Golden Land reveals how they 
converted opportunity to success in fields from commerce, medicine, and 
science to movies, music, and literature.

The book includes facsimiles of George Washington's letter to a community 
of Jews in Rhode Island, Emma Lazarus's poem that was later inscribed on 
the base of the Statue of Liberty, Irving Berlin's handwritten lyrics for 
"God Bless America," a quiz challenging readers to guess the original names 
of American-Jewish show-business celebrities, and plenty of other materials 
to give readers a real feel for how America changed the Jews and how the 
Jews changed America.

Lori A.
Congregation Beth Or

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[ha-Safran]: Policy on lost and damaged materials

2005-03-08 Thread Lori Amchin
I need the advice of some experienced synagogue librarians.

Recently, a member returned a videotape with the tape pulled out and 
twisted.  The videotape is obviously damaged and unusable.  I remembered 
that the same person had previously returned another videotape damaged.  So 
now I have to wonder if her VCR is damaging the videotapes.  Should I ask 
her to refrain from borrowing any more videotapes?  And the broader 
question -- do other synagogue libraries hold members responsible for lost 

Our policy regarding overdue books is to send a "gentle" letter which asks 
if the borrower would check to see if they have the books;  there is a line 
in the letter which says there are no overdue fines and if you want to pay 
for lost books, a donation can be made to the Library Fund.

Thanks in advance for any comments.  I will bring your suggestions to the 
board to help us clarify our policy.

Lori A.
Congregation Beth Or
Spring House, PA

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[ha-Safran]: Need Steinsaltz Talmud volumes

2005-01-30 Thread Lori Amchin
We have an incomplete set of the Steinsaltz Talmud, and I'd like to 
purchase the missing volumes.  I've already searched many Jewish book 
websites, as well as Amazon Marketplace and eBay.

Does anyone know where I can find Volumes XI, XII, XV, XVI, and anything 
higher than Volume XVIII?

Thanks very much.

Lori A.
Congregation Beth Or
Spring House, PA

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[ha-Safran]: Responses for ideas for 350 years of Jews in America

2004-09-06 Thread Lori Amchin
Thanks to all who responded.  I decided to go with Out of Many Waters.  Lori


I love Out of Many Waters and have used it successfully with our 4th &
5th Grade Girls Book Club (we've actually done it twice now).  I can't
think of another book that covers that time period.  But, two other
books that would work well with the 350th theme are The War Within by
Carol Matas and Speed of Light by Sybil Rosen - I've used both of them
with our Kids Book Clubs.

I highly recommend Sydney Taylor's All-of-a-kind Family series

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[ha-Safran]: Responses for Jewish authors

2004-09-03 Thread Lori Amchin
Thank you very much to all who took the time to respond.  Lori


1. There is a website called Jewhoo.com which lists lots of Jews.
There is a long list of Jewish authors: Arnold Lobel and Patricia
Polacco are not among them.  That isn't definitive, however.  The list
contains very few authors of children's books.
I think that Arnold Lobel was Jewish and I think that Polacco's
mother was Jewish.  But I have no sources to verify this.
2. Patricia Polacco had a Jewish grandmother but I don't believe she
herself lives a Jewish life.  However, as I'm sure you know, many of her
books have Jewish themes and elements.  Go to www.patriciapolacco.com
for information about her.
3. Arnold Lobel was Jewish.  He passed away several years ago.  Patricia 
mother was Jewish and she was married to a Jewish man.

4. Patricia Polacco:
"Polacco has a rich heritage: her great-grandparents
emigrated from Soviet Georgia, and other family
members were Irish and Jewish; in addition, she was
brought up among people from other ethnic groups than
her own, and with all of these influences, and with a
tradition of family members as storytellers, poets,
farmers, teachers, and artists, she has much to draw
upon for the books she writes and illustrates.

As a child, holidays like Christmas and Epiphany were
celebrated in the Russian tradition. Uncle Vova's Tree
is a book that comes from that experience. And The
Keeping Quilt is a story based upon a real quilt that
has been passed down in her own family through
generations. Pink and Say is a true story of the Civil
War that was passed down by Polacco's
great-great-grandfather, who spent time in
Andersonville Prison where he became friends with a
black soldier."

Arnold Lobel:
Could not find anything definitive online.  Try a book
by George Shannon entitled "Arnold Lobel" (Twayne,
1989)  Fun fact: Arnold Lobel's daugther Adrianne is
married to Mark Linn-Baker, who played "Cousin Larry"
on the 1980s sitcom "Perfect Strangers".

5.   I know that Patricia Ploacco is Jewish and a wonderful speaker.  She 
has a mixed family.  I saw her speak at a local children's book store soon 
after TIKVAK MEANS HOPE was published.  I'm not sure but I think Arnold 
Lobel is too.

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[ha-Safran]: Jewish authors?

2004-09-02 Thread Lori Amchin
I have a request from my education director:
Does anyone know if Arnold Lobel and Patricia Polacco are Jewish?

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[ha-Safran]: Ideas for 350 years of Jewish Life in America

2004-09-01 Thread Lori Amchin
I am putting together a family book group series.  I want to choose 3 
books, historical fiction, each one set in a different century, to cover 
the three hundred fifty years of Jewish life in America.  I would have 
chosen Out of Many Waters by Jacqueline Greene, but the age of our readers 
may be too young (about 9-10 year olds).  Does anyone know of another book 
that is set in the same time period?  (Last year we read More Precious Than 
Gold, which was a great beginning to this series.)
Lori Amchin

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Donation Advice

2004-05-25 Thread Lori Amchin
Alan Dershowitz has written a few; how about The Case for Israel?
Lori Amchin

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[ha-Safran]: NYT: "Google Says It Doesn't Plan to Change Search

2004-04-13 Thread Lori Amchin
X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.1
X-Listprocessor-Version: 8.1 -- ListProcessor(tm) by CREN

I imagine some of us have signed an on-line "petition" which indicated that 
with 25,000 signatures, Google would remove the anti-semitic 
link.  However, this article indicates that Google has no intention of 
removing it.


Lori Amchin
Spring House, PA

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Novel about bereavement

2004-03-21 Thread Lori Amchin
My first thought is In The Image by Dara Horn.  It beautifully weaves Jewish
history, religion and culture into the plot which deals with what is lost
and what is gained;  what is discarded and what is treasured.  There are
wonderful reviews out there, so I won't try to recreate them.  I loved this
book.  It has characters of all ages, so there's a good chance your
congregant will appreciate it, too.

Lori Amchin

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[ha-Safran]: Discussion group guidelines

2004-01-18 Thread Lori Amchin
I've never led a book group, and yet I would like to get one started at our 
Can anyone offer guidelines for a book discussion group for parents and 
children (ages 8 through 12)?
I am ready to choose the book "More Precious Than Gold".  If anyone has 
advice for our group, I'd appreciate it!
Lori Amchin
Congregation Beth Or
Spring House, PA

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