Re: [ha-Safran]: Yeshiva-Appropriate YA fiction

2009-12-14 Thread Ruth D. Bryskier
Have you looked at  If you sign in and search for 
Secular Book List you will find some good information:


Newly updated as of September 2009! List of over 2000 secular children's and

young adult books with notations for acceptable, unacceptable and questionable.

There are extensive comments on most books as well as suggested grade

levels. There are three versions of the list: complete list of all books with

comments, approved list with comments and approved list without comments.

There is also a Classics Analysis List. Cover letter also includes 
the criteria for evaluation.

Kol tuv,

Ruth Bryskier

Milwaukee, WI


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Re: [ha-Safran]: Berlin libraries research books stolen by Nazis

2008-09-23 Thread Ruth D. Bryskier
I sent them a large list of relatives names just in case they find 
anything from my family.  I'll keep you posted if anything 
interesting develops...

Ruth Bryskier
Milwaukee, WI

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[ha-Safran]: Classification of Holocaust Denial Literature

2004-11-24 Thread Ruth D. Bryskier

As I posted before, I am in the MLIS program at UW Milwaukee and am working
on a paper for an Intellectual Freedom seminar and am very interested in how
Holocaust denial materials are cataloged.  I see there was quite a bit of
literature on this in the 80's and 90's but I have not been able to find
much in the way of recent publications.  I read in a San Diego Jewish
Press-Heritage article from July of 2001 that the CA. Library Association
was involved in a campaign to persuade the Library of Congress to more
correctly utilize catalog terminology.  I see that the efforts were
successful, but I haven't been able to find out much after this date.

I see that the DDC in the 22nd edition, 2003 added 940.531 818 Holocaust
Denial and the LC has a number of categories under D 804.35 and 804.355 in
the 2001 edition.  If any of you could address the following questions it
would be very helpful:

1)How did this change in the library standards come about?

2)What has the reaction been to the revised call numbers?

3)How widely are they being used?

4)Have the deniers themselves had any reaction to this?

Thank you so much for your insights and reactions!

Ruth Bryskier
U Wisconsin, Milwaukee

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RE: [ha-Safran]: JCPA Plenum

2004-11-21 Thread Ruth D. Bryskier
I will look some more, but the JCPA website has links to past JCPA Plenum,
but only back to 2002!  I would think if you contact them they would have
the archival information:

Kol tuv,
Ruth Bryskier

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Intellectual Freedom topic question

2004-11-03 Thread Ruth D. Bryskier
Thank you all so much for the many good suggestions.  I have a lot of good
topics to look into now.

Does anyone know the name of the librarian's organization that is working on
the spread of misinformation about Israel on college campuses?  Does anyone
know anything about it?

Thanks again!

Ruth Bryskier

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[ha-Safran]: Intellectual Freedom topic question

2004-11-01 Thread Ruth D. Bryskier

I am a new student member of AJL and an MLIS student at UW Milwaukee and am
taking a seminar on Intellectual Freedom.  I have been reading some articles
about the classification of Holocaust denial materials in the Library of
Congress and see that this was a topic of great concern in the recent past.
I also see that the Library of Congress has now added a number of
classifications for works that fall under this subject area.  Originally I
was thinking of writing a paper for the class on this, but I don't see much
research in this area since 1999.  Is this still an area of concern for
Jewish librarians?  Is there another subject that would be more appropriate
right now for an intellectual freedom seminar?

Thank you so much for any suggestions you might have.

Kol tuv,
Ruth Bryskier

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