Re: [ha-Safran]: I Don't get it?

2005-02-24 Thread Sarah Field
When it comes to interpreting Torah, Gemara, etc. it is very important to 
understand that most of us do not have the background to properly do this.

Thankfully, we have brilliant G-d fearing Rabbis living today who have 
phenomenal memories and who have literally spent their entire lives from 
childhood on, thoroughly learning each and every page of our vast holy 
texts--from Tanach and Gemara to Zohar, commentaries, responsa, 
etc,.  These types of Rabbis have the mental capabilities to objectively 
correlate related passages to each other, and hence to properly analyze our 
Holy texts. Their brains make computers look primitive.

When we come across "difficult passages", yes, we should question, and 
attempt to understand, but we should not conclude until bringing our 
questions to such a Rabbi.

All librarians, from those who serve Reform to Orthodox libraries, should 
make a conscious effort to know who the Talmud Chocham--Torah scholars, are 
in their cities or regions--in order to refer their patrons to a Rabbi 
qualified to analyze such a passage.

Sarah Field
Past President, ALJ- MI

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Defining What is Jewish

2005-02-16 Thread Sarah Field
Regarding the comments of Mr. Wise, "Sensitivity for philosophy and
outlook should exist on both the right and left side of the aisle."  Mr. 
Wise is absolutely correct.  The sad reality is that many librarians fear 
that some books are "too religious", for their libraries G-d forbid.

Building on the logic of the numerous comments to Mr. Wise's initial email...

Just as Jewish families may have members that contain intermarriage, gay 
people, etc.,  --  the exponential growth of the Baali Teshuva movement 
means that tens of thousands of Jewish families now also have Orthodox 
sons, daughters, grandchildren, parents, sisters, brothers, cousins, 
etc.  Therefore it follows that if libraries are REALLY concerned about 
representing their member's needs in order to understand the particulars 
within their families better, then books of an Orthodox nature should also 
be included in their collection development strategies.

The sad reality is it seems like Orthodox perspective books are quickly 
excluded from purchasing decisions simply because they are "Orthodox" and 
perceived as too religious G-d forbid--without any further consideration.

Sarah Field

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