[ha-Safran]: Old children's books

2011-10-14 Thread ritaallen08
Some time ago I remember reading that someone was developing a 
collection of old childrens' books. I have several that I would like 
to add to this collection. Please let me know who is involved in this 
project. Thank you.

Rita Allen


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[ha-Safran]: old children's books

2010-08-10 Thread ritaallen08
Re U of AZ at Tempe:

When we were preparing to move from Trenton NJ to Pennington NJ  
had, literally, a closet full of books we didn't want to keep, I put 
out some feelers for this. Boxes went to Harvard, San Diego State,  
U of AZ at Tempe. This man Zipperstein left them something like 
10,000 books,  I sent them some more. Later I was in Phoenix for an 
Elderhostel program  walked over to the U   met Rachel leKet Mor (I 
think I got her name right). Beyond fascinating. Cataloging  
classifying these books will occupy this lady for the rest of her 
life. Seems like an unusual place for a collection of Judaica, but there it is.

Rita Allen

Librarian, Har Sinai Temple, Pennington, NJ


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[ha-Safran]: Weeding old children's books

2010-07-21 Thread ritaallen08
Several years ago when Har Sinai was moving fron Trenton to 
Pennington, we had to discard many books. It's one thing to pack up  
move books that you are going to keep, but quite another to move 
books you have decided, for whatever reason, not to move. I 
ultimately sent 4 boxes to Harvard for their archives  5 boxes to U 
of Arizona in Tempe. Reimburse us for postage,  you may have them. 
The old 40s  50s textbooks were simply discarded because no one 
wanted them - muy Rabbi said that many of them weren't very good when 
they first came out.

Rita Allen


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[ha-Safran]: Weine cataloging question

2009-04-23 Thread ritaallen08
Using the Weine Classification Schedule, I'm trying to figure out 
where to place a book on the PLO. Seeking suggestions and thanks in advance.

Rita Allen
Har Sinai Temple
Pennington, NJ


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