To: Members and Friends of AJL

The message below is from Betty Lazarus, Librarian at Gates of Prayer Synagogue in Metairie, Louisanna. Betty's area was one of the hardest hit by Hurricane Katrina. I hope that you can help her with donations of Jewish cookbooks for her library and for her congregants. Perhaps you can also suggest cookbook publishers who could be approached for donations or if you have good contacts, make the inquires yourself.

With thanks.

Toby Rossner
AJL Chapters Coordinator

From: "Betty Lazarus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2006/04/05 Wed PM 03:29:25 EDT
> Subject: cookbooks
> Toby:
> You have no idea how many requests I get for cookbooks, since almost
> everyone kept cookbooks on the first floor and that was what was flooded.
> My own mother is getting ready to cook for passover, and only has the
> recipes that I had copies of, since she lost everything.
> Could you send out a request for Jewish cookbooks for New Orleans.  I would
> gladly distribute them.
> Thank you so much for any help that you can give me in the cookbook
> collection.  We are recovering slowly here, I have just put books on the
> shelves in the Gates of Prayer library, and it will take some time to get
> them cataloged and in better order.  Can you believe it's been seven months
> and the effects of the storm still effect us every single day.
> Betty B. Lazarus
> Congregation Gates of Prayer
> 4000 West Esplanade
> Metairie, LA 70002

Toby G. Rossner
167A Emeline St.
Providence, RI 02906

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