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From: Jerusalem Books <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Hasafran]: Jerusalem Books Pesah Newsletter

Dear Friends,

Now that the elections festivities are over in Israel we can get down to our holiday plans for Passover. With a little luck, not only will we be blessed with guests at our Seder table at the Spitzer household in Jerusalem, but we will celebrate Mimouna, (a Moroccan Jewish festival) a day after the Pesah holiday in Eilat.

One of the hottest books in Israel, perhaps to take on a long weekend, is Meir Shalev’s latest, ‘Yonah ve-Na'ar' - published by Am Oved and little has to be said about Meir Shalev's books. They are bestsellers and always a welcome addition to any library. Cat.no. 59111 $22.00

In addition although, Tomy Lapid’s Shinui party self destructed, his son Yair Lapid has come out with another novel, “Ha-Isha ha-Shni’ah,’ Published by Keshet, softcover, 288 pages. Cat. #58612 $20.00

In the area of Holocaust, we would like to remind those who haven’t already heard that Yossi Sarid, (former MK and head of Meretz), wrote a book called, ‘Pepichik,’ about a boy who survives Auschwitz concentration camp only remembering his ‘nickname’ that his mother called him by when they were separated and she was sent to her death. This moving an important work of non-fiction is a worthwhile addition to any collection of holocaust books. Cat.no. 58622 $17.00

An important relatively new publisher worth noting, Mazo Publishing, has come out with a new holocaust history/memoire entitled, ‘An Odyssey of Survival,’ by Dr. Michael Klein. It chronicles the personal tragedy of his family from Janosalma, Hungary through the ghetto, deportation, Auschwitz, Budapest and rebuilding. It contains important history (including Camp Golleschau and ‘Oscar Schindler’s Forced Labor Camp..), as well as insights into Jewish Identity, Culture and Philosophy. Isbn 965-7344-06-9. Cat.# 59319 $16.00

Lastly, in this category, Tuvia Friedman, has published a history, auto-biography, ’60 Years – Nazi Hunter,’ published by his Institute of Documentation in Haifa, Israel. This amazing fighter for justice contributed to the apprehension and prosecutions of Nazi War criminals but equally important has been his tireless role in the documentation and teaching of Holocaust studies throughout his life. Cat.no. 59313 $55.00

Regarding Haggadot I would just like to note that there is a scholarly side to this common and popular item. In the past weeks we have seen a Rav Kook Haggada, with intro by R’ Aviner, published in Bet El, Cat. # 59432 $13.00 and The Tekhelet Mordekhai Haggadah, by R’ Mordekhai Elon, isbn 965-09-0194-9, published by Reuven Mass, Cat # 59433 $14.00. This stream includes many Haggadot with significant commentaries and reflecting the customs of many Jewish communities.

We wish all of you a Happy Holiday, from all of us at Jerusalem Books.



Jerusalem Books, pob 26190
Jerusalem 91261, Israel
tel/fax 972-2-643-3580

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