and Young Adults & School Libraries and Resource Centers Open 
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----- Original Message -----
From: Barbara A. Genco
Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 12:07 PM
Subject: [ccbc-net] FW: 76th IFLA in Gothenburg: Libraries for 
Children and Young Adults & School Libraries and Resource Centers 
Open Session: Call for Papers

For your information. Please excuse cross-posting. Feel free to share 
this call for papers far and wide!  Thank you! bg

Barbara A. Genco

Editor, Collection Management, Library Journal

170 Prospect Park West #2R

Brooklyn, NY 11215


347.238.6384 Mobile

Follow me on TWITTER @BarbaraAGenco

"To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan and not quite 
enough time." Leonard Bernstein

From: Usher []
Sent: Friday, November 27, 2009 9:20 AM
Subject: [IFLA-L] 76th IFLA in Gothenburg: Libraries for Children and 
Young Adults & School Libraries and Resource Centers Open Session: 
Call for Papers

IFLA World Library and Information Congress

76th IFLA General Conference and Assembly

  10-15th August 2010 Gothenburg, Sweden

       Call for Papers

    Libraries for Children and Young Adult Section and School 
Libraries and Resource Centers Section

Congress theme: Open Access to Knowledge – Promoting Sustainable Progress

Session Theme: Partnerships between Public Children's Libraries and 
School Libraries

Keynote speaker – the theme of this Paper would be strategies for 
cooperation between public libraries and school libraries. It

would include the reasons that both types of libraries should work 
together for reading and learning.

The Keynote Speaker Paper should be no more than 60 minutes in duration.

Case studies – these papers could reflect programmes involving any of 
the stakeholders in libraries and schools (teachers, librarians, 
parents and students). Papers on programmes involving all types of 
public libraries and both primary and secondary schools are welcomed.

Papers can be written and given in any of the official IFLA languages 
(English, French, German, Russian, Spanish),

but abstracts should be submitted in English.

Proposals for Case Study Papers must include the following and must 
be in English:

a)Title of proposed presentation
b) Outline of the proposed presentation (no more than 300 words)
c) Name(s) of presenter(s)
d) Position or title of presenter(s)
e) Presenter(s) employer or affiliated institution
f) E-mail address
g) Telephone/fax numbers
h) Short biographical statement regarding the presenter/s

15 minutes will be allowed for a summary delivery of the paper in the 
Conference, followed by 5 minutes of discussion,

the full written paper is not to be read.

The Sections have requested Simultaneous Translation for the Session.

Proposals should be submitted by January 15, 2010 by Email:

Please note: All expenses incurred for attending the Gothenburg 
conference are the responsibility of the authors whose papers are
accepted. Authors/presenters are expected to attend the World Library 
and Information Congress and present their papers in person.

The Review Committee will evaluate all submitted materials 
andsuccessful applicants will be notified by February 12, 2010.

Full accepted papers must be between 3000 and 6000 words in length 
and are due by 26th March 2010,

so that translations can be organised and must be an original 
submission not published elsewhere.

All papers will be published on IFLANET.

For additional information please contact:

Mrs. Karen Usher  MCLIP, Hon. FCLIP
Chair of IFLA: School Libraries and Resource Centers Section

Eric Fell Learning Resource Centre
South Hunsley School
North Ferriby
East Yorkshire
HU14 3HS

(44) 1482 875208


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