AJL's New York Metropolitan Area Chapter (AJL-NYMA) will hold its 
Spring 2009 Conference on Wednesday, May 20th, 1-4 pm, at the Rabbi 
Arthur Schneier Park East Day School, 164 East 68th Street (between 
Lexington and Third Aves.), NYC. We are pleased to announce that our 
keynote speaker will be Dr. Phyllis Chesler, a founding voice of the 
modern feminist movement, and a noted psychologist and author. The 
program will commence at 1 pm with a general meeting and installation 
of officers followed by  Dr. Chesler's  presentation at 2:30 pm. 
Light refreshments will be served.

The registration fee for the conference is $10 for members of the 
NYMA chapter and $18 for non-members. Payment is at the door. RSVP by 
May 11 to Roz Friedman, ramer1...@optonline.net,  (201) 833-4307, OR, 
Leslie Monchar, lmonch...@yahoo.com, (973) 627-0028.

Directions by subway: 68th St. station on the Lexington Ave. local.


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