Dear safranim,

In the pre-March 19 version of AJL Convention 2006 registration 
information posted on the AJL website, there was no place to check 
off if you wanted a kosher box lunch on Wednesday June 21.  If you 
do, and you haven't yet sent in your registration, please be sure to 
download the latest version from the AJL website: 
<> ;  if you 
already sent in your registration, please send an additional check 
for $25 as soon as possible; and, in either case,  please indicate 
whether you want tuna salad or sliced turkey sandwich.  (A $25 tuna 
fish sandwich, you  may ask?  Well, the tuna has a masters' degree 
from Harvard!)

We made the box lunch optional  this year as a way to lower the 
overall registration fee a bit.

Please make your check payable to NEAJL, and mail to

Ann Abrams, AJL 2006
Temple Israel
477 Longwood Ave.
Boston, MA 02215

Thank you for your cooperation, patience, and sense of humor!

Ann Abrams, Co-chair, AJL Convention 2006, June 18 - 21, Cambridge, MA

Temple Israel
477 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02215
617-566-3960 x116

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