I am very pleased to announce that the latest AJL monograph, 5th 
edition of Creating a Collection: A Resource Booklist for a Beginning 
Judaic Library by Merrily Hart is now available for purchase. This 
very useful annotated subject bibliography is a guide to developing a 
core collection in a synagogue, school, or community center library. 
Creating a Collection is not available for purchase by mail from the 
AJL Vice-president for Publications, but from two online sources only.
1) Purchase Creating a Collection online from the CreateSpace e-store 
at: <https://www.createspace.com/3359875>.
The list price is $20.00 plus shipping. AJL members only are entitled 
to a 10% discount. To obtain the code that must be entered at time of 
purchase, go to the AJL website and click on the News Announcement 
about Creating a Collection 
Then click on the discount link in that document to access the code. 
You will be prompted for your AJL username and password in order to 
access it. Your username and password are listed on your AJL 
membership card. If you can't locate your membership card, email 
Laurie Haas, Membership VP at lh...@torahacademy.org
2)      Purchase Creating a Collection from Amazon.com. There is no 
AJL member discount available through Amazon.

Debbie Stern, AJL Publications VP
Mordecai M. Kaplan Library
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
1299 Church Road
Wyncote, PA 19095
phone: 215-576-0800 ext. 234 fax: 215 576-6143

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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