I am pleased to inform you about a new title called: A Crash Course 
in Jewish History - From Abraham to Modern Israel

This book is available from Baker & Taylor or from the publisher at 

The miracle and meaning of Jewish history

"…a comprehensive, thoughtful and highly educational survey of Jewish history."

- Sir Martin Gilbert

 From Abraham and the birth of monotheism to the Holocaust and the 
creation of modern Israel -- the epic sweep of the Jewish people's 
progress through time violates all the laws of human history. For 
centuries some of the greatest minds have come to appreciate the 
profound impact that this tiny nation has had on humanity and have 
tried to unlock the great mystery that the Jewish story presents, 
asking: How did this people survive against all the odds?

In one volume, A Crash Course in Jewish History explores the 3,800 
years of Jewish existence while answering the great questions:  Why 
have the Jewish people been so unique, so impactful, yet so hated and 
so relentlessly persecuted?

A Crash Course in Jewish History is not only comprehensive and 
readable, it is also entertaining and enlightening. Historian and 
author Ken Spiro takes the reader on a fascinating and informative 
journey through time, highlighting not only the key lessons of Jewish 
and world history, but, most importantly, on the profound relevance 
that the past holds for the future of both the Jewish people and humanity.

Novices and scholars alike will find A Crash Course in Jewish History 
to be thought-provoking and insightful, as well as a valuable and 
relevant guide to understanding the challenges that we all face in 
the 21st century.

About the Author:
Author of the acclaimed WorldPerfect-The Jewish Impact on 
Civilization, Ken Spiro is a historian, rabbi, and dynamic speaker 
who lectures throughout the world on Jewish history and values.  A 
graduate of Vassar, he studied at the postgraduate level at the 
Pushkin Institute in Moscow and earned a master's degree in history 
from Norwich University. He has appeared on numerous television and 
radio programs, including the BBC, the National Geographic Channel, 
and the History Channel. He lives with his wife and five children 
outside Jerusalem.

Title: A Crash Course in Jewish History: >From Abraham to Modern Israel

Author: Ken Spiro

Publisher: Targum

Pub Date: March 2010   Pages: 509

ISBN: 978-1-56871-532-2 Hardcover $31.99

This book is available from Baker & Taylor or from the publisher at 

Stuart Schnee

Public Relations, Marketing & Sales

US Tel: 973-796-2753

Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120

Fax: +972-2-561-0943


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