I have duplicate copies of numerous issues of Conservative Judaism, 
available for the cost of postage:

Vol 60 – no. 3 (Spring 08) and no. 4 (Summer 08)

Vol 59 – no. 1 (Fall 06), no. 3 (Spring 07), no. 4 (Summer 07)\

Vol 58 – no. 1 (Fall 05), nos. 2-3 (Winter/Spring 06), no. 4 (Summer 06)

Vol 57 – no. 1 (Fall 04)

Vol 56 – no. 1 (Fall03), no. 2 (Winter 04), no. 4 (Summer 04), 
Special Supplement on The Problem of Judaism in America

Vol 55 – no. 3 (Spring 03), no. 4 (Summer 03)

Please let me know if you would like any or all of them.



Marga Hirsch


Park Avenue Synagogue

50 East 87th St.

New York, NY 10128

212.369.2600, x127



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