Re: [ha-Safran]: Fw: Presenter Proposal Online!

2010-05-16 Thread Lee Jaffe
We might want to look at return-on-investment (ROI) calculations 
being explored by various libraries.  I'm not 100% confident that the 
reasoning or math for any of these will hold water, but there are 
some interesting ideas being floated.  The primary thrust is that for 
every dollar your home organization (college, temple, city... ) puts 
into the library, there is a savings to the organization or to the 
community served.  For instance, if we buy a journal or a book, every 
faculty or community member who borrows it doesn't have to buy the 
same item, a savings to the whole.  I think there is an inherent 
truth to this scenario but hard to calculate in dollars.  The linkage 
can be pretty tenuous or indirect.  For example, a temple library 
doesn't earn the temple any money directly by lending books to 
congregants, but its the congregants who pay the dues to the temple 
who get the benefit, so they'd be the advocates for library, not the 
temple board or director.  Some of the more ambitious ROI advocates 
seem to me to be claiming too much credit, saying that library 
expenditures actually generate income in some organizations.  But 
take a look at some of these links for some ideas:

-- Lee Jaffe


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[ha-Safran]: Fw: Presenter Proposal Online!

2010-05-12 Thread Susan Dubin
Can we get some strong library oriented proposals to get the word out 
about how important libraries and librarians are!!!
Susan Dubin
AJL President
- Original Message -
From: NewCAJE
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 7:13 PM
Subject: Presenter Proposal Online!

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Call For Proposals
2010 NewCAJE Conference Aug. 1-4
Greetings!   28 Iyar 5770

We invite you to submit your proposal to teach at the inaugural 2010 
NewCAJE Conference. The conference will take place at Gann Academy, 
The New Jewish High School of Greater Boston: a state of the art 
school with SMART technology classrooms.

Don't miss this exciting opportunity to share and network with your 
colleagues! Submit your proposal now by clicking on the link below.

Go to Proposal Form

Please forward this email to your friends and colleagues and 
encourage them to submit their proposals. Join us at this exciting 
time in Jewish education!
Conference Update: Registration is steadily climbing. Class sessions 
will be held in the same building, and we will all be eating 
delicious, catered meals together - in one place at one time!

Register now to reserve your place at this history-making conference.

Go To Registration


Bunnie Piltch, 2010 NewCAJE Conference Chair


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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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