RE: [ha-Safran]: Gale response to AJL criticism of Article on

2008-12-01 Thread Adas Israel Librarian
Excellent piece, Lee. And do indeed proceed with your venture.

Madeleine Cohen Oakley
Director of Library Services
Adas Israel Congregation
Washington, DC

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Gale response to AJL criticism of Article on

2008-11-25 Thread Lee Jaffe
HaSafran members,

A few weeks ago, I had a lengthy talk with Jay Flynn, Gale's VP 
for  social science publications and the mahoot eventually 
responsible for the Encyc. of Race and Racism.  I had sent an email 
to one of the associate editors mentioned earlier in this 
correspondence in order to get a more official statement about 
Gale's position regarding the Zionism article.  My msg bounced to 
him and he called me to follow up.

I will first mention that Mr. Flynn was aware of the discussion on 
the HaSafran list and, in fact, quoted back to me some of my less 
temperate statements shared here.  He was also clear that he was hurt 
by the nature of the criticism leveled at Gale and discussed in some 
detail the brief exchange with David Harris who rejected offers of a 
continued discussion exploring potential remedies to the situation.

I would say Mr. Flynn's overall tone was defensive.  He pointed out 
that Gale had published 17 articles about Zionism in their 
encyclopedias since 2001 (1 out of 17 isn't bad) and that 
they  were the published of the Encyc. Judaica.  He also  dropped 
references to the Jewish background and connections of various people 
involved in the publication.

For my part I tried to set aside the controversy as the focus of my 
concern and tried to bring the scholarly, and therefore the 
editorial, failures of the article to the forefront.  I never felt 
that I received an answer to those concerns beyond the fact that 
there were referee panels involved in selecting the author and in 
approving the article for publication.  I had the impression that Mr. 
Flynn felt constrained from expressing his own views about the 
article, but acknowledging hypothetically that even if someone had a 
concern a hands-off editorial approach -- citing academic freedom -- 
might allow it move ahead anyway.

I spent a week or so contemplating that discussion and started 
drafting my conclusions into an item in the blog I maintain for my 
job.  Seeing the letter from Gale shared on this list, I decided to 
move ahead and publish my statement.  You can see it at

I will say that I decided, in that space and in that arena, not to 
attempt a point-by-point critique of the article's errors or address 
any issues in detail.  My concerns are, first and foremost, that the 
article exists at all, and secondly that it got published despite its 
obvious failings.

Having worked out my own issues about this matter in this separate 
venue, I still hope to see AJL take on the wider issues presented by 
such publications.  I've had a go ahead to try drafting a position 
paper about anti-Semitism in scholarly publishing as one possible 
move in that direction.

Lee Jaffe
3366 McHenry Library
University of California
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, California 95064

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Gale response to AJL criticism of Article on

2008-11-17 Thread Shmuel Ben-Gad
Dear Ms. Dubin,

I am grateful for the work you and the others did on this.  In my 
opinion, though, Gale's response was inadequate.  The point is that 
Zionism is not racist and should never have been, nor continue to be, 
included in the encyclopedia. Adding other national movements to the 
encyclopedia, it seems to me, is no solution at all,  Nationalism is 
not, ipso facto, racial. let alone racialist.If Gale wants to discuss 
national movements, I think they should have a separate encyclopedia 
for that subject.

 Respectfully yours,

 Shmuel Ben-Gad,
 Gelman Library,
 George Washington University.

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RE: [ha-Safran]: Gale response to AJL criticism of Article on

2008-11-17 Thread Yoel Sheridan
Well said! Unfortunately not all bad things can be undone, but at least your
efforts have introduced some damage control. May I suggest that Gale's
letter be posted on Amazon's website under reviews so that
future buyers are made aware of Gale's conciliatory statement.

Yoel Sheridan

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Gale response to AJL criticism of Article on

2008-11-17 Thread Susan Dubin
I have published the letter from Gale in the review section on Amazon 
for the Encyclopedia of Race and Racism. Hopefully prospective 
purchasers of this work will see the letter there and realize the 
problems with it.
Susan Dubin
AJL President

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[ha-Safran]: Gale response to AJL criticism of Article on

2008-11-11 Thread Susan Dubin
Zionism in Gale's Encyclopedia of Race and Racism
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Dear Safranim,

There has been much discussion on this listserv about the article on 
Zionism published by Gale in their Encyclopedia of Race and Racism. I 
have been in contact with the publisher and expressed AJL's concerns 
about the article. Gale is aware of the controversial nature of this 
article and has responded to the criticism of it in the letter copied 
below. After discussion with several of the AJL members in the RAS 
division, we agree that Gale's response shows a willingness to 
recognize the problem and take steps to correct it. Gale is the 
publisher of several well-respected reference works of interest to 
Judaic librarians including Encyclopedia Judaica.

Here is the letter:

November 10, 2008

A Message from Gale, a part of Cengage Learning, regarding the 
Encyclopedia of Race and Racism.

In November 2007, Gale, under its Macmillan Reference USA imprint, 
published the Encyclopedia of Race and Racism. Edited and written by 
scholars from a variety of fields, this work examines the 
anthropological, sociological, historical, economic, cultural, and 
scientific aspects of race and racism in the modern era.

The encyclopedia contains over 400 signed, peer-reviewed articles. A 
complete list of articles, contributors and their affiliations, and 
editorial board members is available from a special link at

One article in the encyclopedia, Zionism, has sparked controversy 
among some readers who have challenged the accuracy of the article 
and questioned whether this topic is appropriate for inclusion in an 
encyclopedia on race and racism.

Gale's role as publisher of the Encyclopedia is not to present a 
particular viewpoint on any topic, but to provide well founded 
information that presents a broad scope of knowledge and views on a 
subject.  Further, while we cannot and do not shy away from 
controversial views, we are committed to providing comprehensive, 
respectful coverage.  Based on the constructive feedback we have 
received, we have concluded that we should offer a broader range of 
views on the subject of Zionism.

With an apology to those who believe that we failed, in this case, to 
live up to our high standards to publish a fair and balanced account, 
we are taking the following steps.  First, we suggest that readers 
visit the websites of organizations such as the Zionist Organization 
of America ( and the American Jewish Committee 
( who have contacted Gale to communicate their objections 
and express their viewpoints.

In addition, we have begun to commission a series of articles for the 
online edition of the encyclopedia that will address these objections 
in several ways. We will commission several articles on Zionism that 
engage perspectives other than those given in the current article. 
Gale will work with well respected scholars to plan these additional 
articles and to identify authoritative authors. In addition, in 
recognition that national movements do not equate to racism, we will 
commission articles that address other forms of nationalism in order 
to present this topic in a broader context.

Gale's objective is to provide publications that support critical 
thinking and informed debate. Gale's editorial integrity in 
presenting a broad array of viewpoints in a balanced manner is well 
known and acknowledged in the library and academic communities. 
Accordingly, where our readers and customers identify ways to improve 
our publications to deliver on this goal, we gratefully consider them.

We will update this message with further information as authors for 
additional Zionism articles are chosen and other topics are added.

Susan Dubin
AJL President

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