Remarkable Invention That Saves Zion
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The Remarkable Invention That Saves Zion

Great New Adventure Story for Ages 9 - 14!

The Theory of Invention Problem Solving (TRIZ) forms the scientific basis of
this fast-paced adventure story that takes place in Israel's future.

       Four Israeli students, along with their visiting American cousin, gain
a sneak preview of a Professor's latest invention. This machine, if utilized
in the hands of the wrong people, could change the very foundation of
Israels society. Unwittingly, the foursome's curiosity creates a Pandora's
box of troubles as the invention is stolen by an unscrupulous spy.

    Discovering the thief's identity and uncovering his purpose will
hopefully save the country and reawaken the bond that exists between the
Land and its People.
In order to ferret out the spy and get back the invention, the group uses a
TRIZ technique that will both amaze the reader and reveal how to unlock the
ability to solve any problem with the innate logic of your mind.

Yehudit Stupniker was born in England, grew up in Perth, Australia, and
chose to return to her ancestral home of Israel in 1979, where   she
eventually began to lecture in Early Childhood Language Development.
As a proponent of the new science of TRIZ, Yehudit says , "I wanted to make
TRIZ come alive for young people. In this book I lead the reader through the
logic patterns that will help him or her come to the conclusions that our
heroes come to in the story. Actually, TRIZ can be used to figure out any
problem, even those that would ordinarily stump a young person. It's an
exciting new way of thinking."


TRIZ is an authentic problem solving method based on logic and data, not
intuition, which accelerates the project team's ability to solve these
problems creatively. TRIZ also provides repeatability, predictability, and
reliability due to its structure and algorithmic approach. "TRIZ" is the
(Russian) acronym for the "Theory of Inventive Problem Solving." G.S.
Altshuller and his colleagues in the former U.S.S.R. developed the method
between 1946 and 1985. TRIZ is an international science of creativity that
relies on the study of the patterns of problems and solutions, not on the
spontaneous and intuitive creativity of individuals or groups. More than
three million patents have been analyzed to discover the patterns that
predict breakthrough solutions to problems. (from The TRIZ Journal,

Title: The Remarkable Invention That Saves Zion

Chief Editor: Yehudit Stupniker

Publisher: Devora Publishing

Pub Date: August 2007    Pages: 250

ISBN: Hardcover 1-932687-74-2, $18.95

This book is available through Ingram, Baker & Taylor or via the publisher
directly: FAX: 1 866 205 3966

Schools and libraries are eligible for discounts.
Please call 1-212-444-1657 to order.

Stuart Schnee
Public Relations, Marketing & Sales
US Tel: 973-796-2753
Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120
Fax: +972-2-561-0943

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The Remarkable Invention That Saves Zion

Great New Adventure Story for Ages 9 - 14!

The Theory of Invention Problem Solving (TRIZ) forms the scientific basis of
this fast-paced adventure story that takes place in Israel's future.

       Four Israeli students, along with their visiting American cousin, gain
a sneak preview of a Professor's latest invention. This machine, if utilized
in the hands of the wrong people, could change the very foundation of
Israels society. Unwittingly, the foursome's curiosity creates a Pandora's
box of troubles as the invention is stolen by an unscrupulous spy.

    Discovering the thief's identity and uncovering his purpose will
hopefully save the country and reawaken the bond that exists between the
Land and its People.
In order to ferret out the spy and get back the invention, the group uses a
TRIZ technique that will both amaze the reader and reveal how to unlock the
ability to solve any problem with the innate logic of your mind.

Yehudit Stupniker was born in England, grew up in Perth, Australia, and
chose to return to her ancestral home of Israel in 1979, where   she
eventually began to lecture in Early Childhood Language Development.
As a proponent of the new science of TRIZ, Yehudit says , "I wanted to make
TRIZ come alive for young people. In this book I lead the reader through the
logic patterns that will help him or her come to the conclusions that our
heroes come to in the story. Actually, TRIZ can be used to figure out any
problem, even those that would ordinarily stump a young person. It's an
exciting new way of thinking."


TRIZ is an authentic problem solving method based on logic and data, not
intuition, which accelerates the project team's ability to solve these
problems creatively. TRIZ also provides repeatability, predictability, and
reliability due to its structure and algorithmic approach. "TRIZ" is the
(Russian) acronym for the "Theory of Inventive Problem Solving." G.S.
Altshuller and his colleagues in the former U.S.S.R. developed the method
between 1946 and 1985. TRIZ is an international science of creativity that
relies on the study of the patterns of problems and solutions, not on the
spontaneous and intuitive creativity of individuals or groups. More than
three million patents have been analyzed to discover the patterns that
predict breakthrough solutions to problems. (from The TRIZ Journal,

Title: The Remarkable Invention That Saves Zion

Chief Editor: Yehudit Stupniker

Publisher: Devora Publishing

Pub Date: August 2007    Pages: 250

ISBN: Hardcover 1-932687-74-2, $18.95

This book is available through Ingram, Baker & Taylor or via the publisher
directly: FAX: 1 866 205 3966

Schools and libraries are eligible for discounts.
Please call 1-212-444-1657 to order.

Stuart Schnee
Public Relations, Marketing & Sales
US Tel: 973-796-2753
Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120
Fax: +972-2-561-0943

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