The Pomegranate Pendant is now available in LARGE PRINT format.

Why are we publishing a LARGE PRINT edition?  Because this story has
received such wonderful reviews and comments since it was first published
and we know that there are people who are in populations that have not yet
had the enjoyment of reading this book.

This book is not just for people with vision problems.  It is also for
individuals who have fears and anxieties related to the learning
environment, or need an extra boost to be motivated to learn.  LARGE PRINT
can be a terrific tool to reading enjoyment for terrified or scared readers.

This edition will help to open up a new world to reading and learning about
Jerusalem's history from 1882-1956.


Here is the storyline.

When Mazal and Ezra ben-Yichya embarked in 1882 on their long journey from
Sana'a to the Holy Land, their young hearts were filled with dreams of the
glory they were sure awaited them in Jerusalem. But those dreams were
quickly dispelled by the reality they encountered: dark, towering walls of
stone and a community of pious but impoverished Jews with customs foreign to

How would the ben-Yichyas find their place in this new world peopled by
European Torah scholars, and who would buy the exquisite jewelry they

This stirring saga spans four generations of a family of Yemenite goldsmiths
at the vortex of history in the Land of Israel. Their tragedies and
triumphs, their sorrows and joys, and, most of all, the heroine's profound
love for the Holy City, create a vivid and lasting image of an ancient land
rising from two millennia of slumber to an era of splendor.


Here's what the reviewers have had to say about The Pomegranate Pendant.

"...another quality book that the whole family can enjoy..." The Jewish

"...sensitive, well written and free of both offensive language or scenes.
It appeals to youth and adults of both genders..." Jewish Spectator

"...provides the reader with valuable information on the settlement of Eretz
Yisrael..."Shifra P. Abramson, Good Fortune Magazine.

"...I closed the book reluctantly, I did not want the spell to be broken,"
Reuven Ben Dov, Jerusalem Post Magazine.

"...a page turner, I highly recommend it." Joan Tedlow, San Diego Jewish


The LARGE PRINT edition is a completely new and reset unabridged edition. It
is NOT an enlargement.

244 pages ~ 8x10 inch trim size ~ 18 point type for the story


by Dvora Waysman


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