NEW BOOK FROM FELDHEIM PUBLISHERS: Defending the Human Spirit: Jewish 
Law's Vision for a Moral Society

What does a 3000-year-old system of social justice
offer to an ever-changing, modern world? Plenty.

             For the most part, when people think of laws and legal 
systems, what often comes to mind is the severity and rigidity of 
rules and regulations.  People rarely associate "laws" with words 
such as heart, humanity, or compassion. Yet this is precisely what 
you'll discover in this fascinating analysis of the values, 
principles, ideas and ideals that lie at the heart of Jewish law.

             Often misunderstood, precisely because Jewish law is 
oftentimes presented as a dry listing of laws, here at last is a book 
to change all that. Defending the Human Spirit (Feldheim Publishers) 
brings to light the values and principles, the outlook and 
attitude…that serve as the driving force behind the outer framework 
known as Jewish law. Here is a text that clearly shows how Judaism 
upholds the individual human spirit and actively promotes a 
wholesome, harmonious society.

             The author discusses, both in theory and practice, a 
variety of social concerns – political tyranny,  the oppression of 
women, crime, poverty, protection of the poor and vulnerable, human 
freedom, and much more. Comparisons are made between the tenets of 
Jewish law and Western law as practiced in the United States, 
England, and South Africa. What emerges is a magnificent and glorious 
vision of what a moral and just society could and should look like.

             Any reader interested in that unique entity known as 
"the human condition" will be intrigued by this insightful text – and 
that includes lawyers, law students, scholar, and layman alike. 
Vibrant, relevant, and beautifully written, Defending the Human 
Spirit brings the wisdom of the ages into the twenty-first century.

About the Author:
Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein, only 34 years old, is currently the Chief 
Rabbi of South Africa. He has a BA in law and philosophy, is a 
lawyer, and also has a PhD in constitutional law. Defending the Human 
Spirit is his first published work.

Title: Defending the Human Spirit: Jewish Law's Vision for a Moral Society
Author: Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein
Publisher: Feldheim Publishers
Pages: 485
ISBN: 1-58330-732-X   Price: $39.99

This book is available from Baker & Taylor and the publisher 
(Feldheim): 1-800-237-7149

Stuart Schnee
Public Relations, Marketing & Sales
US Tel: 973-796-2753
Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120
Fax: +972-2-561-0943

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