Dear Friends,

Devora Publishing has new titles with themes that are perfect for 
celebrating the upcoming 60th birthday of Israel. More will be coming soon!


How an American Corporate Lawyer Found Himself Volunteering on IDF Base

"A wonderful adventure story.... Everyone who cares about Israel's 
survival as a democratic Jewish state...will benefit from reading 
this well-written diary of Werner's fascinating 
experience."   -  Alan Dershowitz

"Werner is a born storyteller...Army Fatigues is a continually 
insightful and compelling tale of a man who set out to do good ... 
and set out to have an adventure ... and succeeded."  - Rabbi Joseph Telushkin

Why do thousands of people from around the world volunteer to work on 
Israeli military bases? Why would they give up their vacation time 
and pay their way to and from Israel in order to work very hard in 
less than luxurious surroundings?

In Army Fatigues: Joining Israel's Army of International Volunteers 
(Devora Publishing, March, 2008) readers meet Mark Werner, a 
successful American lawyer and son of a Holocaust survivor, who grew 
up with a strong feeling of connection with Israel. With the 
breakdown of the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks and the outbreak of 
the second Intifada in 2000 and suicide bomber attacks on Israeli 
civilians, Werner decided to support Israel in a more personal way 
than simply following the news or writing a check.

Werner chose a program called Sar-el, Volunteers for Israel, which 
places volunteers from all over the world on Israeli military bases. 
The workforce provided by the Sar-el volunteers frees up Israeli 
soldiers and makes an important contribution to the Israeli army. 
Using his vacation time, Werner worked on an Israeli military base 
side by side with Israeli soldiers and other volunteers. He found the 
experience so rewarding that he returned for three more stints.

Army Fatigues chronicles his volunteer experience on different army 
and navy bases over four consecutive years during some of the most 
stressful times in Israel s  recent history -- the second Intifada, 
the building of the security fence, and the pull-out from Gaza. It 
focuses on the everyday lives of Israeli soldiers and civilians, 
offering an insider's view of Israel's armed forces, as well as a 
portrait of a democratic society structured on self-defense. The 
author also explores the motivations of his fellow volunteers, for 
whom volunteering is often part of a personal journey.

Above all, this is the ongoing story of a middle-aged American white 
collar professional stepping out of his comfort zone to make a 
meaningful contribution to Israel and forge his own connections to it.

About the author:
Mark Werner is an attorney in Raleigh, North Carolina, where he lives 
with his wife Arlene. A graduate of Haverford College and the 
University of Pennsylvania Law School, he is active in UJC (United 
Jewish Communities) and AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs 
Committee). He continues to volunteer with Sar-el.

Title: Army Fatigues: Joining Israel's Army of International Volunteers
Author: Mark Werner
Publisher: Devora Publishing
Pub Date: March 2008     Pages: 276
ISBN: 978-1-934440-08-7 Hard Cover $21.95

This book is available through Ingram, Baker & Taylor or via the publisher.
directly: FAX: 1 866 205 3966
Schools and libraries are eligible for discounts.
Please call 1-212-444-1657 to order.

Stuart Schnee
Public Relations, Marketing & Sales
US Tel: 973-796-2753
Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120
Fax: +972-2-561-0943

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