Skeptic Learns a Thing or Two about God
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Urim is pleased to announce the publication of Reasonable Doubts. 
This title is available through Baker and Taylor, directly from the 
distributor Lambda

(Tel: 718-972-5449 fax: 718-972-6307) or from booksellers.

REASONABLE DOUBTS: A Religious Skeptic Learns a Thing or Two about God

Reasonable Doubts is the memoir of a religious skeptic's endeavor to 
rediscover her source of faith from the ground up after being hit by 
a car. On the way, she encounters various religious philosophers and 
thinkers, such as Saadya, Maimonides, Henry Bergson, Rabbi Joseph 
Soloveitchik, Rudolph Otto, and Abraham Joshua Heschel, who provide 
her with clues to a spiritual resolution. Berman utilizes scenes from 
the book of Job as well as snapshots from her own life to explicate 
the various philosophical theories that make up the stops along her journey.

Jewish literature regarding faith crises is sparse, leaving skeptics 
and sufferers alike secluded, precisely when they need to be 
embraced. Reasonable Doubts seeks to reassure those undergoing faith 
crises that they are not alone. Reasonable Doubts also provides 
philosophical suggestions toward solutions to some basic religious 
and spiritual quandaries. Ultimate conclusions to most of these 
issues, however, lie within the soul of the reader.

About the Author:
Cheryl Berman is a teacher and writer with an ability to communicate 
complex dilemmas of faith in relevant and pragmatic terms. After 
earning her Masters Degree in Medieval Jewish Philosophy from Bernard 
Revel Graduate School, Berman went on to teach Jewish Philosophy in 
various institutions of learning in New York and Israel. She now 
writes and teaches Jewish Philosophy in Israel, where she lives with 
her family.

Title: Reasonable Doubts: A Religious Skeptic Learns a Thing or Two about God

Author: Cheryl Berman

Publisher: Urim

Pub Date: April 2010   Pages: 158

ISBN: 978-965-524-039-9 Hardcover $19.95

Stuart Schnee

Public Relations, Marketing & Sales

US Tel: 973-796-2753

Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120

Fax: +972-2-561-0943


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