Newly Released Book, A Widow's Tale by Dina Bar-Tov Tells it Like it is When
Having to Confront Tragedy

When the respected Rabbi of a large synagogue in Rockland County, NY
suddenly dies, his widow Dina Bar-Tov, is left at the mercy of the
congregation, family and friends. While Dina puts on a strong face for her
family, she is crumbling on the inside, trying to figure out how to live
life without a husband, money and a clear path.

The tragedy, humor and honest vitality with which author Dina Bar-Tov
recounts the details of her life will give readers insights into the
struggles that many single mothers go through - except that most single
mothers don't have nine young children in tow. What does it mean to be a
widow suddenly? How does a woman deal with the abrupt end of a marriage
filled with love and support? When do you begin to look for a new husband?
What man can give you the same love of your past and strength for your

With only her memories to hold on to, Dina must start building a Plan B
life in order to make sure her children are content and food is on the
table. Meanwhile, she begins to question her friendships, re-examine her
community and try her hand at speed dating.

Her journey from matchmaker to matchmaker, raising her children on her own
and soul searching, tell the story of the unexpected tragedies no one wants
to face while offering strength and inspiration everyone will appreciate.

A Widow's Tale

Author: Dina Bar-Tov

Publisher: Devora Publishing

Pages: 208

ISBN: 1932687-62-9 Hardcover $21.95

ISBN: 1-932687-63-7 Paperback $16.95

This title can be ordered through Baker & Taylor and Ingram.

Schools and libraries are eligible for discounts.
Please call 1-212-444-1657 to order directly from publisher

Stuart Schnee
Public Relations, Marketing & Sales
US Tel: 973-796-2753
Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120
Fax: +972-2-561-0943


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