New Book, Building Wealth in Israel by Douglas Goldstein, Explains 
How to Make It in Israel

Veteran investment advisor Douglas Goldstein, CFP, Director of 
Profile Investment Services, LTD., presents a solid overview of 
practical strategies for achieving financial success in Israel in his 
new book: Building Wealth in Israel: A Guide to International 
Investments and Financial Planning.

Writing in an easy-to-understand manner, Goldstein teaches his 
readers how to get their  financial houses in order and how to 
create, step-by-step, long-term plans for their wealth. With a guest 
chapter from Leon Harris, CPA, international tax partner with Ernst & 
Young (Israel). Building Wealth in Israel, will help readers leverage 
one of the most powerful investment tools knowledge.

Through his newspaper columns, Goldstein has long been known as the 
man who makes sense of dollars and cents. His guide is a 
comprehensive book thats easy to understand and covers both the 
basics and some of the more complex topics in investing.

Stuart Hershkowitz

Deputy General Manager, Head of International Division, Bank of Jerusalem

Israels improving economic situation is fueling the engines of new 
immigrants. Doug Goldsteins informative book, with its common-sense 
approach to making smart money decisions, will be an important guide 
for these newcomers.

Zeev Bielski
Chairman, Jewish Agency for Israel

Whether you have already moved to Israel, or are considering doing 
so, this book is for you. Doug Goldstein has a gift for making the 
complexities of investing both understandable and enjoyable. In 
tackling everything from portfolio diversification to real estate and 
tax issues, he provides an essential guide to building wealth and 
planning for the future. Goldsteins advice is sharp and his prose is 
crisp. He has written what is sure to be considered the book on 
investing in the Jewish state.

Michael Freund
Syndicated Columnist, The Jerusalem Post
Former Deputy Director of Communications & Policy Planning
Israeli Prime Ministers Office

Title: Building Wealth in Israel: A Guide to International 
Investments and Financial Planning

Author: Douglas Goldstein

Publisher: Southern Hills Press, distribution by Devora Publishing

Pages: 308

ISBN: 1-932687-84-x

This title can be ordered through Baker & Taylor and Ingram.

Schools and libraries are eligible for discounts.
Please call 1-212-444-1657 to order directly from Devora Publishing

Stuart Schnee
Public Relations, Marketing & Sales
US Tel: 973-796-2753
Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120
Fax: +972-2-561-0943

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