Questions and Answers for the Modern Jew
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Questions Posed to Jewish Legal Experts Show Vibrancy of Modern Jewish Life

"...provides a wonderful and accessible resource for the advanced student of
Halacha as well as the beginner. I have no doubt that this book will be a
tremendous resource for everyone who is interested in Halacha."

  Richard Joel, President, Yeshiva University

Living the Halachic Process: Questions and Answers for the Modern Jew
(Devora Publishing, August 2007) consists of over 100 questions that have
been culled from thousands of queries that have been sent by Jews from
different backgrounds and levels of observance throughout the world to the
Eretz Hemdah Institute in Jerusalem, Israel. The questions touch upon every
area of life and reveal the basic desire of the enquirers to understand the
response of Judaism to modern life.

Does a place of business require a mezuzah, and, if so, does one make a
blessing when affixing it?

Is there a minimum time that Shabbat and Yom Tov candles must remain lit?

Should one pray from a prayer book or by heart?

The answers themselves reveal the unique way that the Eretz Hemdah Institute
melds sound halachic responses with sensitivity to the individual and an
awareness, not easily found today, that it is not necessary to burden the
Jewish people with unnecessarily stringent laws.

In a detailed introduction, the editors present the development of halachic
literature over the centuries. They give the reader a fascinating,
behind-the-scenes look at the process a Rabbi goes through and the different
approaches used to form a teshuva (response to a legal question).

Title: Living the Halachic Process: Questions and Answers for the Modern Jew

Chief Editor: Rabbi Daniel Mann

Publisher: Devora Publishing

Pub Date: August 2007    Pages: 440

ISBN: 978-1-932687-88-0   Hard Cover $24.95

This book is available through Ingram, Baker & Taylor or via the publisher
directly: FAX: 1 866 205 3966

Schools and libraries are eligible for discounts.
Please call 1-212-444-1657 to order.

Stuart Schnee
Public Relations, Marketing & Sales
US Tel: 973-796-2753
Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120
Fax: +972-2-561-0943

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