leaders of the Lechi underground
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Shalom Safranim!

 >From Yisrael Medad's blog:

Tuesday, March 03, 2009
The Eldad Haggadah
The Eldad Hagadah has been published.

Yesterday, we were at the Knesset offices of Professor MK Arieh Eldad 
on the occasion of the publication of a Pesach Haggadah accompanied 
with selections culled from his father's writings. His father, 
Professor Israel Eldad, was a thinker, philospher and ideologist of 
the national Zionism camp.

My idea, we found some 100 articles, columns, and lectures that were, 
in one way or another, connected to the holiday of Pesach (Passover) 
and from these, Yeudah Etzion edited them into the traditional text 
of the book. It is some 130 pages long with 50 pages in a second part 
including the full texts of some 20 articles from which material was taken.

To order, call 052-5665744

Commerical orders at Udi, 052-8319976

Posted by YMedad at 8:33 AM
Labels: Arieh Eldad, Haggadah, Israel Eldad, Pesach

     Shmuel Ben-Gad,
     Gelman Library,
     George Washington University.


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