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From: Raymond Vezina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [ha-Safran]: New book: Jews of Fez

I am very pleased that you give me the opportunity to reach many Jewish libraries through your e-mail network.

"Juifs de Fès" is a collection of rare texts and new studies about the Jewish community living in the Mellah since the foundation in 800 by Idriss the 1st till the Protectorate (1912). New studies about cemeteries, gardens and patios offer a complementary view of the Jewish everyday environment in the City of Fez.

Juifs de Fès
Ménahem Ben-Ssason
Simon Lévy
Mohammed Kenbib
Jane S. Gerber
Georges Vajda
Roger Le Tourneau
Raymond Vézina
Marc Eliany

336 pages, hard cover
25 x 20 cm
ISBN ; 2-88545-096-5
Price : 55.00 US$
10.00 US$ for shipping

Éditions Elysée
P.O.B. 181
Branch Cote-St-Luc
Qc, Canada
H4V 2Y4


Happy New Year !

Joseph Cohen

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