1. Donations
The following donations to the AJL Scholarship were received in June:
In memory of Bernard Berger, father of Shulamit, from Liza Stabler
In appreciation, from Rita Frischer
In honor of the Toronto Convention Committee, from the AJL Board

2. AJL Scholarships
Thanks to the generosity of all of you who made donations to the
Scholarship Fund this past year, AJL was able to award two scholarships
this year to assist promising Judaica librarians continue their library
studies.  The winners are: Rivka Schiller, who got her B.A. at the
University of Chicago and is attending the Dominican University of River
Forest, IL for her MLS degree, and Laurie Adler, an undergraduate of
Yeshiva University who is attending St. Johns University in NY for her
MLS degree.  Rivka has experience primarily in academic libraries and a
strong background in Yiddish.  Laurie has taught in day schools and
adult education centers and is particularly interested in expanding
library services for people with disabilities and thus incorporating
them more fully into the Jewish community. We wish both of them great
success in their endeavor and hope to greet them soon as colleagues.

We had  other very worthy applicants for the AJL Scholarship.  With your
continued donations to this fund we hope to grant even more scholarships
in the years ahead!

3. Criteria Changed for AJL Scholarships
At the convention in Toronto the AJL Council voted to make changes in
the eligibility standards for receiving an AJL scholarship. Candidates
continue to need to strongly demonstrate the potential, ability, and
intention of pursuing careers in Judaica librarianship.  However,
previously only students enrolled at ALA-accredited Library School
programs could apply.  The criteria have been broadened to include
students in the graduate library degree programs at Hebrew University &
Bar Ilan University and in accredited programs in the United Kingdom,
Australia, and New Zealand.  Also previously only candidates who had
completed Jewish studies courses at an academic level could apply.
These criteria have also been broadened to include as well extensive
participation in less formal Jewish studies or extensive experience
working in Judaica libraries, or any combination of the three.

4.  Rosalie Katchen Memorial Award
Unfortunately there were no applicants for this award this past year.
It is intended to assist a student or practicing librarian attend a
course or workshop in Hebraica or Judaica cataloging.  Please help
spread the word about this scholarship, or consider applying yourself.

With wishes for peace and a restful summer,

Debbie Stern, Library Director
Mordecai M. Kaplan Library
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
1299 Church Road
Wyncote, PA 19095
phone: 215-576-0800 ext. 234 fax: 215 576-6143

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