Dear safranim,

Below please find an informal survey on the use of cataloging copy 
for Hebraica that is found in RLIN and/or OCLC.  The results of this 
survey are for internal use only and will not be circulated outside 
of Stanford.  I hope that you will take a few minutes and fill out 
this survey and return it to me by Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 21.*

*only one response per institution

Thank you,

Heidi G. Lerner

Hebraica/Judaica Cataloger

<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = 
"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Stanford University Libraries

Stanford, CA 94305-6004


ph: 650-725-9953; fax: 650-725-1120

1. Do you catalog Hebraica materials directly into:

a. Local ILS system (Ex Libris, Sirsi, Innovative Interfaces, 
Voyager, etc.) ________ b.National utility (RLIN, OCLC) ________

(if the answer is "a" skip to question 9; if the answer is "b" 
continue to question 2

2. Do you catalog directly into:

a. OCLC ________ b. RLIN ________ c. RLIN and OCLC (Please explain) 


(if answer is "a" continue to question 3; if answer is b continue to question 6

3. If you do not find cataloging copy in OCLC do you search RLIN for 
cataloging copy:

a. Yes________ b. No ________

(if the answer is yes, please continue to question 4)

4. If cataloging copy is found in RLIN,  is the item given to:

a. copy cataloger for cataloging________

b. original cataloger for cataloging _________

c. other (please explain) ________

5. If you catalog directly into OCLC but use cataloging copy found in 
RLIN, do you:

a. create an original record in OCLC with your library's MARC 
organizational code indicated in the MARC field 040 as the original 
cataloging agency________

b. create a record in OCLC but identify the original RLIN cataloging 
library's MARC organizational code in the 040 or other location ________

Please describe:

6. If you do not find cataloging copy in RLIN do you search OCLC for 
cataloging copy?

a. Yes ________ b. No ________

(if the answer is yes, please continue to question 7)

7. If you catalog directly into RLIN but cataloging copy is found 
only in OCLC, is the item given to:

a. copy cataloger for cataloging ________

b. original cataloger for cataloging ________

c. other (please explain)

8. If you catalog directly into RLIN but use cataloging copy found in 
OCLC, do you

a. create an original record in RLIN with your library's MARC 
organizational code indicated in the MARC field 040 as the original 
cataloging agency ________

b. create a record in RLIN but identify the original OCLC cataloging 
library's MARC organizational code in the 040 or other location ________

  Please describe:

9. Do you export your catalog records from your local system to

a. RLIN ________ b. OCLC ____________c. both utilities __________


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