to be missed!!!!!!!
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For those unable to attend the presentation by Ella Sheriff at the 
Library of Congress on "Composing the Holocaust"--and learn  about 
the Opera"-And the Rat Laughed"---there are several opportunites to 
attend a live performance at the CAMERI.

As Yediot Ahronot decribes it :
  "It is not just an opera, it is an event."

  Next performance in Israel- Cameri Theatre of
Tel Aviv, Stage Two, at 20:30:

September 19 th  2007

November 14th 2007

December 4th 2007

Tickets are available at the Box Office of the Cameri Theatre

+972-3-6060900, +972-3-6060960

  And the Rat Laughed

Theatre in Music (With English Surtitles)

Based on a book by Nava Semel

Music: Ella Milch-Sheriff

Libretto: Nava Semel and Ella Milch-Sheriff

And the Rat Laughed, is an original Opera in Hebrew based on Nava 
Semel's book, published 4 years ago to rave reviews, and well known 
composer Ella Sheriff's original music. This five-part novel dealing 
with the horrors of the Holocaust and the influence of this harrowing 
chapter of human historywas highly praised for its courage in 
employing original and unconventional devices and literary tools.

This is the story of a nameless five-year-old child, as it is told to her
granddaughter years later. The child's parents entrust her to a 
family of farmers living in a remote Polish village. She is hidden in 
a dark potato cellar, with little food and only a rat for company - 
and raped repeatedly by the farmers' son.

When the girl's parents no longer send money, the farmer's wife takes 
her to the village priest, urging him to kill her. But Father 
Stanislaw hides the Jewish girl in his church and risks his life in 
healing her wounded body and broken soul.

Sixty years later, already a grandmother in Tel Aviv, she tries to 
recount her horrific childhood to her grand-daughter who prepares a 
school essay. Memory, buried in the darkness for so long, demands its 
right to emerge. The five genres of the book: story, legend, poetry, 
futuristic fantasy and a diary, are entwined to create the libretto.

Lima Energely, an anthropologist in the year 2099 is bent on 
uncovering the origins of the widespread myth "Girl & Rat" and she is 
the main figure in the opera who reveals on stage the circle of 
Remembearers, those who have the traumatic event registered in their 
consciousness. Futuristic Lima tries to force the memory on her 
partner Stash, who bears the same name of the rat who was once the 
only comfort of the hidden girl.

The highlight of the opera is a Mass scene, when Father Stanislaw 
rebels against his Lord who abandoned his children. In an attempt to 
restore the girl's hope and her faith, the priest discovers he has 
lost his own.

Conducted by Ori Leshman.

Director: Oded Kotler. The opera is sung with English surtitles.

Opening night April 9, 2005 to rave reviews. It is still running on the
Israeli stage as part of the repertoire of the Cameri Theatre of Tel Aviv.
On May 8th 2006 it was performed at the Dramatic Theatre of Warsaw. 
On February 2008 it will be performed in the Music-Theatre Festival 
in South Africa.

  Next performance in Israel- Cameri Theatre of

Tel Aviv, Stage Two, at 20:30:

September 19 th  2007

November 14th 2007

December 4th 2007

Tickets are available at the Box Office of the Cameri Theatre



Shanah Tovah to all, Gail

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