Shalom all

As some of you are aware, I am retiring from the National Library of
Israel at the end of December.

I will still be professionally active as coordinator of the national
bibliographic network, as a consultant, and as head of the new master's
degree program in information science and librarianship at David
Yellin College in Jerusalem.

Correspondence regarding the National Library's digitization programs
should be sent to Orly Simon, Head of the Library's Information
Technology Department 

Other correspondence to the National Library should be directed to the
relevant department. See: 

Questions regarding the Israel Union List and national bibliographic
standards should still be directed to me at: 

best wishes


  Elhanan Adler
  Deputy Director for Information Technology
  National Library of Israel
  P.O.B. 39105, Jerusalem 91390, Israel
  Email: <>, 
  Tel.: 972-2-6585005, FAX: 972-2-6511771, Home tel.: 972-2-6515977
  Mobile tel.: 972-54-6829657

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