[ha-Safran]: Rosh HaShana Newsletter from Jerusalem Books

2010-09-07 Thread Jerusalem Books
Dear Friends,

For many years I have tried to highlight and focus on developments in 
Israeli, Hebrew publishing secular and rabbinic. So this newsletter 
is looking at interesting titles of in rabbinic works.

To begin, I would like to mention Tevunot publishers of Herzog 
College publications. 'Ha-Adam be' n Yezur le-Yozer,' 'Man Between 
Creature and Creator,' by Gad Eldad, a Bible lecturer at the Bet 
Midrash Larabanim in Rome authors this scholarly work on free will 
vs. obedience to God. Needless to say, the book has serious indices 
and footnotes. (softcover). Isbn 978-965-7086-48-3.  Cat. # 

Simultaneously, the same Tevunot of Herzog College has published, 
'Lahavat EshKodesh,' 'the Flame of the Holy Fire..' by Dr Ron Wacks. 
(Yes that's how they spell it in the book!)  The important work is on 
the life and teachings of  Rabbi Kalonymous KalmishShapiro of 
Piaczena and his spirtual philosophy for Jewish, Hassidic 
revival.  Cat. 74674 $25.00

Treasures from the Chabad library, has been published in Brooklyn, 
NY. Although it is not an Israeli publication, it should be mentioned 
for its historical value.

There are many many books published annually on Talmud. I would like 
to mention a new volume, ' Mesekhet Pe'ah,' with Rambam, Maimonides 
commentary. It is by Dror Fixlerand it is a critical, scholarly 
edition, published by Ma'aliyot, Ma'ale Edumin, 2010.   Cat.#74675 $20.00

Feldheim has just published 'Sefer Ma'amare Emuna..'of the Rashba, 
RabenuShlomo Ben Aderet. Edited by M. Leib Katsnelenbogen. This work 
of Classic 14th century CE Spanish-Jewish Philosophy is from 
manuscript with footnotes. Cat. # 74943  $19.50

Also a recently published Feldheim - a three (3) volume Tanakh al 
ha-Daf.  This is an English – Hebrew title for reference. It contains 
bible references to each section (tractate) of Talmud and also Talmud 
commentators. It is definitely a worthwhile addition to your 
library.  Cat. # 74677 $59.00

I would like to mention briefly the recent book by R' Yitzhak 
Ginzburg a rightfullycontrovercial figure, a leader of the 
nationalist, mystical, messianic elements in Israel. His new book 
entitled, 'Shlosha Ketarim,' ('Three Crowns,') about relations 
between Judges, Kings and High Priests. The book deals with many 
topics of historic and halakhicsignificance (like the role of 
Sanhedrin and the Cohen Gadol) and ultimately the contribution and 
legitimacy of these various pillars of power within the Jewish 
people.  The book includes a chapter on Dina De-Malkhuta Dina, which 
is the author's view of national (state / secular law vis-a-vis 
divine law). The book is published by Gal Einai Institute, 
isbn978-965-7146-39-2.  Cat. # 74823   $26.50

Rabbi Benjamin Lau, the son of the former Chief Rabbi, and an 
important figure in his own right has authored a book entitled, 
'Yermi'yahu, Goralo shel Hoze', (Jeremiah, The Fate of a 
Prophet).  The important work, which examines issues of national 
revival, identity, existence is significant for Bible scholars, those 
interested in Philosophy and those students of Israel and Israel 
Studies. The author represents to my mind, a strain of educated, 
elite orthodox Judaism in Israel whish is more progressive and 
enlightened and in contrast to the more fundamentalist fringe that 
also exists and must get attention.  This book is published by Yediot 
– Hemed, isbn 978-965-545-126-9.  Cat. #74822$33.50

Another important reference title is 'Otzar Leshonot Yerushalmi'im,' 
'a Concordance ofAmoraic Terms, Expressions and Phrases in 
theYerushalmi.' This work by Moshe Assis is a scholarly, must have 
research tool for Judaica scholars in almud, Jewish Thought, 
Exegesis, Jewish Law and Hebrew Language and linguistic analysis. It 
is 3 volumes and technically a dual publication from JTS, NY and 
Jerusalem, with the Bet MidrashL'Rabanim be-Amerikah,  isbn 
978-965-456-056-6   Cat. # 74926 $ 185.00.

R' Daniel Biton, the editor of Machon HaMaor has published a nice 6 
volume set, 'KitveOr Hahayim, the writings of R' Hayim ben Atar. The 
six volumes are really three and three on Talmud and (3) on Shulkhan 
Arukh. This is a new edition of  Classic works of R' IbnAttar also 
known as the Or Hahayim commentary on Bible as well as Talmud, 
Kabbala andHalacha. He was a Sage of Morocco. The set is worth having 
but you may have these works published in earlier editions.  Cat. # 
74942  $ 146.00

Sefer Takanot Hakhme Mekenes, vol. 2, has been published by Maury 
(mordechai) Amar, Or Meir publishers, Paris, (printed in 
Jerusalem).  The large, important work is on Halakha and Jewish Law. 
It is on the decrees / edicts of the Sages of Moroccan Jewry in 
Mekenes and also Fez. The decrees are on Civil Law from divorce to 
selling wine. The book includes Bio's of leading rabbinic figures 
over seven hundred years, particular previously unpublished decrees 
primarily from the 17th Cent -19th Cent CE. The work has 

[ha-Safran]: Rosh Hashana Newsletter from Jerusalem Books

2008-09-22 Thread Jerusalem Books
Dear Friends,

Before I start, I just want to remind you that our recent catalog is 
available as a word document by email or as a hardcopy for those who 
prefer.  Please be in touch with Wendy.

I am pleased to announce that another, the third, volume of the 
Talmud Ha-Iggud has been published by the Society for the 
Interpretation of the Talmud.

This volume: Babylonian Talmud Eruvin tractate is on Eruvin chapter 
10, 'Ha-Motze Tefillin,' with the analysis and commentary by Aviad 
Stollman. In this volume over 40 'sugiyot,' issues are examined. The 
text is based on the Oxford Manuscript (366) and compared to seven 
other manuscripts. Some facsimiles of these texts are included as 
well as copious, serious footnotes and inclusion, discussion of 
tosefta, midrash and many centuries of rabbinic commentaries.

This is a very successful, important new series that employs the 
scholarly critical analysis and comparative approach that has been 
the hallmark of a major 20th century (CE) movement and school with 
scholars from Professors Saul Lieberman, David (Weiss) Halivny, 
Golinken, Wald and Shama Friedman, namely the Conservative / Masorti 
/ JTS and Schechter Institute worlds. I apologize in advance if I 
have inaccurately labeled or grouped any scholar or institution, but 
the incontrovertible fact is that the critical scientific approach to 
Jewish Studies and particularly the study of Talmud has been 
perfected, championed and disseminated by these scholars and institutions.

The work includes an English abstract of almost 30 pages and comes 
with our highest recommendation as an asset for any Jewish Studies 
library or scholar.
ISBN 978–965–7442–02–09.  Cat. #68491  $30.00

In a conscious effort to keep our newsletters short, I will report 
two items in almost telegraph fashion. First, there was a strike at 
our ports earlier this month. Ships were not unloaded and many turned 
away to other nearby ports when port employees defied a Labor Court 
order to return to work. Ultimately, the work slowdown was called off 
and we hope that this will have only limited effect on shipping times.

Second, I must mention that Merkaz Shazar published a two volume work 
on the Rambam by Aviezer Ravitzky. Isbn 978-965-227-245-4.  There 
could be so much to say, but, ('Res Ipsa Loquitor,'), the matter 
speaks for itself.
Cat. #68665 $64.50

For those who may have been away we are including our most recent 
newsletter which we posted in Aug. 2008. * please see that there was 
a typo when this originally went out – Sperber's Life Cycle is 
$65.00 (and not $162.50) . Our apologies to those who have seen this 
part before:

The Hecht Museum of the University of Haifa has published the Great 
Revolt in the Galilee.  A bilingual book (Ha-Mered Ha-Gadol Ba-Galil) 
by Ofra Guri-Rimon, editor and curator.  The book is 122 in Hebrew 
and 17 pages in English and has articles on the archaeology of 
Zipori, comparison between Judea and Galilee at the time of the 
revolt against the Romans, which took place between 66-70 CE, and 
scholarly analysis of/from Jesephus to Vespian.

This is a scholarly yet accessible and enlightening, softcover museum 
catalog that I highly recommend for libraries from research and 
reference and all levels of Jewish education.  Cat.no. 67179, $39.00

In Hebrew literature we must mention David Grossman's – Isha Borahat 
me-Besorah (his translation – Until the End of the Land).  It's had
7 printings since its appearance earlier this year.  Cat.no. 66910 $36.00

Sami Michael's new title - Ayida – will also likely be a modern 
Hebrew classic.  This title should not be confused with Verdi's 
opera.  Cat.no. 67437 $29.00

In English we have a number of good picks …

Daniel Sperber's Jewish Life Cycle - this new book from Bar Ilan is 
dual published with Oxford Univ. Press.  Although it is printed in 
Israel.  If you have not heard about this book yet, please google 
it.  The isbn is 978-965-226-334-6  Cat.no. 67970 Price - $65.00

Gedalyah Nigal, Emiritus Professor of Jewish Literature, Bar Ilan 
University, has had his monumental work, 'the Hassidic Tale,' 
published by the Littman Library, isbn 978-1-904113-07-2, Portland 
Oregon, 2008.

This is the translation of the work previously published in Hebrew, 
which was highly acclaimed. (Cat. #66968) The work would be 
worthwhile even if only for it's introduction which describes the 
development of Hassidic literature from storytelling, through, beyond 
and beside parables, from the 18th  until the early 20th 
Cent.  (CE).  The largest portion of the introduction includes a 
summary of significant Rabbinic texts which incorporate the many 
Hassidic tales.  This section charts from the 'Shivhei HaBesht,' 
through the many important titles, by many Hassidic Rabbis, published 
in Lemberg. The later portions list and summarize works of R' Simha 
Bunim Michelson, R' Israel Berger, Kleinman, Yudel Rosenberg, 
including works published in the early 20th Cent.