Dear Friends and Colleagues,
      As the New Year approaches, I want to take some time to share 
with you some of the many new developments we are working on for AJL.

      The Library Task Force has been working hand-in-hand with the 
Public Relations committee to examine our mission and goals and 
develop a strategy for accomplishing initiatives that will move our 
organization forward and provide even more support and service to our 
members. RAS and SSC Board members have worked with the task force to 
come up with a plan for our organization. The specific details are 
being honed and will be presented to Council at Midwinter and to the 
General Membership at Convention. Thank you to all involved for their 
creative ideas and hard work.

      The 2009 Chicago Convention Committee is hard at work planning 
the upcoming Convention to take place in July, 2009. They are putting 
together the program suggestions and papers they received and are 
insuring an outstanding experience will be had by all. Right now they 
are starting to contact vendors so that we will have an exceptional 
array of exhibitors. If you would like to present a session or know 
of a possible exhibitor, please contact the Committee through the 
information provided on the AJL home page. Definitely mark your 
calendar to attend Convention this coming year. It will be an 
experience you will long remember.

      The Continuing Education Committee is looking at ideas for a 
CEU class at Convention. In addition, the marvelous course they 
organized for the 2008 Cleveland Convention on Valuing Libraries is 
available as a powerpoint over the internet and AJL will underwrite a 
visit from the presenter to local chapters or regional groups who 
would like to offer this program to their chapter members.

      The Mentoring Committee is still accepting volunteers to mentor 
librarians who request help as well as those who wish to find a 
mentor. Our mentors offer a personal touch to learning and growing in 
our profession.

    The Accreditation Committee has posted the forms to download if 
you wish to apply for library accreditation this year. Accreditation 
helps you look at your library and evaluate how well you are meeting 
your goals and fulfilling your mission as well as making your school 
or synagogue look really good for having an accredited library!

    There are many, many people in our organization who volunteer 
their time to make our profession the best that it can be. Please 
join us and let us know what we can do to help you.

Wishing everyone a healthy, prosperous, and sweet new year.

Shana Tova Metuka,

Susan Dubin
AJL President

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