
I don't know if I missed this announcement through HaSafran, but I was just 
sent an article from the Winnipeg Free Press that notes the passing 
of  Sheldon Oberman, author of Jewish children's books, and winner of the 
Sydney Taylor Book Award in 1994 for The Always Prayer Shawl. The article 

"Tributes began flowing in yesterday followng the death of one of the 
city's most popular and creative spirits.  Sheldon Oberman, best known as 
an award-winning author of children's books, lost his battle with . . 
.cancer late Friday  night [March 26]. . .He was 54.

"He published a dozen books, wrote film, TV and radio scripts, directed 
short films, performed as an actor and even created the questions for a 
board game.  But it was in the traditional art of oral storytelling where 
Oberman got his start and where his heart always lay.

"There are people who tell stories and then there are storytellers," said 
his friend and colleage, Jamie Oliverio. "They create stories as they walk 
through life and breathe. THose people are my teachers and my heroes.  Obie 
was, is, and always will be one of those."

"Among Oberman's successful children's books are The Always Prayer Shawl, 
The Wisdom Bird, and the Shaman's Nephew . .

May his memory be for a blessing.

Cheryl Banks

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