Soul to Soul: The Most Gripping Book You May Read this Year

When she was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in 2007, Deborah 
Masel's life collapsed. Two and a half years later, her struggle to 
find meaning in the shadowy world of terminal disease induced her to 
write not only of her cancer experience, but of threads from the past 
that were woven into the fabric of this 'final curtain'.  In her 
search for comfort and meaning, Deborah found that the world of 
cancer was dominated by stories of physical survival, which was 
assumed to constitute "victory".  Yet her most treasured teacher, a 
Torah scholar who perished in the Holocaust, had through the text he 
left behind awakened her to the meaning of spiritual victory. If he 
could keep his disciples focused on God while the Nazis brutalized 
and dehumanized them, surely she could stay focused and not panic 
even when the cancer threatened to devour her. Her challenge was to 
accept the fact of death without losing her love for this dappled 
world and for the glory of its passing days.

About the Author: Deborah Masel (formerly Miller) is a teacher and 
author with a special interest in the Jewish mystic tradition. She 
has written two novels, and edited the English translation of Aish 
Kodesh ('Sacred Fire'), written by the Rebbe of Piacezna in the 
Warsaw Ghetto. Her most recent book is In the Cleft of the Rock: 
Writings on the Five Books of Moses, a collection of prose poems on 
the weekly Torah portion. Deborah has written and taught for various 
Jewish and interfaith organizations, and is a regular contributor to 
the Melbourne Sunday Age.  She currently conducts classes from her home.

Title: Soul to Soul: Writings from Dark Places

Author: Deborah Masel          Publisher: Gefen Publishing House

Pub Date:  September 2011  ISBN: 978-965-229-559-0, Paperback, 184 
pages, $14.95

Stuart Schnee

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