Shalom safranim/ot,

Please share the announcement below – about the Everett Fellows 
Program at the National Havurah Committee Summer Institute – with any 
20- and 30- something young Jews you know. It's a fabulous 
opportunity. Institute is an inspiring, soul-refreshing opportunity 
for study, Tefillah, and community for people of all ages. If you are 
outside the age range for the Everett Fellows Program, please 
consider coming to Institute as a participant. All the information is 
at, or you can ask me about it.




Marga Hirsch

Librarian & Bulletin Editor

Park Avenue Synagogue

50 East 87th St.

New York, NY 10128

212.369.2600, x127

The National Havurah Committee Summer Institute 2010 is now accepting 
applications for the Everett Fellows Program. Fellows participate in 
the full Summer Institute programming and in four workshops designed 
specifically for them. Fellows receive a scholarship for tuition, 
room, and board, and are expected to pay only for registration and 
dues ($120) for the full week.

Summer Institute is a week of learning and teaching with 350+ 
learners from across North America (and a few other places too). To 
quote a former Everett Fellow, "if a multigenerational Jewish 
community were inclusive of educated laypeople, respectful of 
individuals with or without families, and open to experimentation, 
would it be a place for 20-and-30-something Jews like [me/you/us]? 
Yes." You can see other comments about the Summer Institute at

To apply for an Everett Fellowship, you must be 22 through 32 years 
of age, interested in exploring havurah Judaism, and willing to 
participate fully in the Summer Institute. Preference is given to 
first time Institute attendees. For more information, or call the NHC office at 215-248-1335. The 
application deadline is May 1.


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