[ha-Safran]: Tribute to Helene Tuchman

2007-10-23 Thread Ann Abrams
Provide yourself a teacher and acquire yourself a friend.

Mentor: Someone whose hindsight can become your foresight. *

On the eve of the first game of baseball's World Series (Go, Boston 
Red Sox!)  I would like to pay tribute to someone who, if we had a 
Library World Series, would definitely be in the starting line- up, 
and would be a serious candidate for the MVP (Most Valuable Player) award.

Helene Tuchman, long-time AJL member, retired this past Spring from 
her position as Librarian of the Rabbi Marshall R. Lifson Library at 
Temple Emanuel, Newton, MA.  Before those fourteen years at Temple 
Emanuel, she was the Director of the Watertown, MA public library, 
Librarian of Congregation Mishkan Tefila, Chestnut Hill, MA, and, 
Librarian at the NY Public Library in the Bronx – in all, 45 years of 
enriching the library profession.   In May of this year, Temple 
Emanuel paid tribute to Helene as part of a lovely Shabbat morning 
service that several of us from the New England Chapter (NEAJL) attended.

Given Helene's many years of participation in AJL, I would like to 
engage in what I like to call lashon ha-tov –   speaking well of 
someone - in celebration and appreciation of her.


You know how sometimes you don't know enough about something to even 
look into it?  Helene has helped me, and many of us in New England 
and beyond, in this area. Long before the Internet, Helene told me 
about the Boston Regional Library network, something I knew nothing 
about.This has clearly been the gift that keeps on giving, with 
free access to several databases, not to mention hundreds of 
colleagues all over Greater Boston and beyond. Several weeks ago I 
was notified by this network about a literary database that my 
patrons were entitled to use.  I forwarded info about this resource 
to our clergy and staff, and one of the clergy responded with,  "This 
is fantastic!"

Thanks, Helene, for helping me to look good at my job!

You know how you're always looking for ways to economize, but, you 
really think there's nothing else you can possibly do?  Several years 
ago, Helene started a user group for those of us subscribing to 
software from the same company (Follet, previously Sagebrush, before 
that - Winnebago).  This group began locally and Helene gradually 
expanded it beyond New England, with all of its members paying a 
discounted annual support fee.

Thanks, Helene, for saving my institution money! (Which also makes me 
look good, btw** )

You know how sometimes you have sensitive situations with co-workers 
or colleagues, and you need someone, who you completely trust, to 
chat with about it?

Thanks, Helene, for lending an ear on many occasions, and helping me 
sort through and defuse some potentially sticky situations!

And, you know how, when you're planning a convention, you need to 
have on your committee people with experience, intelligence, and, 
most importantly, a good relationship with the local kosher caterer?

Thanks, Helene,   for making sure we all ate very well in Cambridge 
at the 2006 convention!

I could go on and on, as I'm sure many of you could.  And, I know 
Helene has not retired from AJL (she is still running the Jewish 
Libraries Follet User Group) and I'm sure she will continue to help 
out in many other ways.   So, on behalf of all of us, particularly in 
NEAJL, but I will presume to speak for all of AJL :

For all that has been, and in anticipation of what will be:


Ann Abrams

President, NEAJL

Librarian, Temple Israel, Boston


*Sources for quotations:  Joshua ben Perahiah, Pirke Avot; 
Thinkexist.com (author unknown) / ** By the way

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Re: [ha-Safran]: Tribute to Helene Tuchman

2007-10-24 Thread yoel sheridan
What a great tribute!

In these selfish and corrupt times, it is good to know that there are 
people "out there" who are deserved of such a tribute and, equally, 
people who appreciate  those who are.

Yoel Sheridan

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to: Hasafran @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
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Ha-Safran Archives:
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Re: [ha-Safran]: Tribute to Helene Tuchman

2007-10-24 Thread Etta D. Gold
How wonderful and refreshing to read this Lashon Ha-tov -- and how 
deserving and noteworthy is our dear friend Helen Tuchman!!
Thank you, Ann.

Etta D. Gold

Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to: Hasafran @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
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RE: [ha-Safran]: Tribute to Helene Tuchman

2007-10-28 Thread Marion Stein
I want to belatedly add my yasher koach to Helene and to Ann for paying the
tribute.  I surely agree but I wanted to add that just knowing Helene and
her gentle, competent and thoroughly delightful personality is reward
enough for us.  I've enjoyed many early morning walks and chats with her at
convention.  May we continue to share those wonderful times in the future;
retired or not.  Marion

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
Submissions for Ha-Safran, send to: Hasafran @ lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
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