Last month we prepared a large sale catalog but have not publicized 
it. Our regular prices are fair, so at a 50% discount there should be 
many great bargains. This is a list of over two thousand items. They 
rang over the entire gamut of Jewish books. These are all titles that 
we have in quantity and we should be able to fill your entire order. 
The catalog can be found at Prices are 50% off 
of the prices listed. We can ship and bill to libraries and 
Institutions. Orders must be received by March 31st.

There is no table of contents which makes it hard to use. One is 
provided below:

Second Sale Table of Contents

Jewish Art - Page 1
Jewish Bibliography- Page 17
Jewish Children's Books - Page 21
Jewish Cooking - Page 28
German Language Judaica - Page 29
Haggadot - Page 29
Hebrew Language and Literature - Page 32
Jewish History - Page 41
Holocaust - Page 82
Jewish Humor - Page 107
Israel & Zionism - Page 108
Jewish Literature - Page 119
Jewish Music - Page 141
Jewish Mysticism - Page 143
Tefilah - Page 144
Jewish Theater, Film & TV - Page 145
Torah, Oral & Written - Page 147
Yahadut - Page 164
Yiddish Language & Literature - Page 188
Ancient Israel & Ancient History - Page 202

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