At the convention in Cleveland a small group of Weine users met to 
talk about updates that need to be made to Weine and how to go about 
getting them done.  Before we get to that point, I would like to ask 
if there are any Weine users who wish to be added to the list to send 
me their information so I have a completely updated list.  June 2007 
was the last update.  There are, unfortunately, a number of libraries 
that have closed in the last year and there may be email or other changes.
If you are not sure you are on the list, email me directly and I will check.
Once we have this we can talk about getting changes and updates made.
Joan Gremont
Library Director
Tycher Library
Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas
214 239-7132
"I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of 
library"  Jorge Luis Borges

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