In this week's Torah portion, Sh'lach l'kha, Moses sends a team of 12 
scouts – one representative from each of the tribes – to scope out 
the land of Canaan. Only Joshua and Caleb return with a positive 
report. God then asks (Numbers 14:27), "How long will this evil 
'assembly' provoke [the Jewish nation] to complain against Me?" From 
the use of the word eidah, "assembly," to refer to that group of ten, 
the rabbinic sages deduced that an eidah, a congregation, must 
consist of at least ten people.

Next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at 6:45 am, we will have two 
minyanim: orthodox in room Huronie A and egalitarian in room Huronie 
B. The orthodox minyan needs 10 men, and the egal minyan needs 10 men 
and women in order for people to say all the morning prayers and read 
from the Torah, and in order for mouners to say Kaddish.

Please consider participating in a minyan one morning of convention. 
If there are ten participants for each minyan at 6:45 am, both 
services can begin promptly and end in time for a leisurely breakfast.

Thanks in advance,



Marga Hirsch

Librarian & Publications Editor

Park Avenue Synagogue

50 East 87th St.

New York, NY 10128

212.369.2600, x127


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