To cavalierly state that "Judeo-German [...] is German... but then 
again, so is Yiddish" throws out over a hundred years of scholarship, 
and a lotta books! Try telling it to the Yiddish teachers and chairs 
in universities all across the country -- not to mention the many 
librarians specializing in Yiddish.

For further information on the thousand year old language, and the 
keys to Jewish history and identity it contains, please look into the 
Encyclopedia Judaica or even the Encyclopedia Britannica for basic 
articles. Then check out (or even buy for your library!) the recent 
YIVO publications the Encyclopedia of Eastern European Jewry and the 
newly completed translation of Max Weinreich's History of the Yiddish 
Language (in two volumes).

Best regards,

Shane Baker
Congress for Jewish Culture
1133 Broadway
Suite 1019
New York, NY  10010


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