Encyclopedia of Race and Racism
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Dear Mr.. McLaughlin

On behalf of myself and my colleague David Ettinger, I am taking the 
liberty of responding to your kind offer of meeting about the Zionism 
article in The Encyclopedia of Race and Racism.  Dr. Ettinger has 
read this message and fully concurs with it as do George Washington 
University professors Bernard Reich and Walter Reich.

We both appreciate your offer, as our library's Gale sales 
representative, to meet and discuss this issue with us but, in fact, 
much discussion with Gale has already occurred and we think the time 
now is for proper action, not more discussion.  We realize that, Gale 
being a large publisher, this matter may not have filtered down to 
you and, again, we appreciate your offer.  Rather than meet, however, 
perhaps a better use of time would be for me to forward you 
separately a  message from
from Lee Jaffe of the University of California at Santa Cruz  (I have 
received his permission to do so) which explains at least some of the 
discussions that have already taken place.  In addition we recommend 
an article by Gideon Shimoni, emeritus professor at the Hebrew 
University which can be found at 

I realize that it can be embarrassing for any individual or 
organization to publicly admit an error, but I still hope that Gale 
will do what is proper:  acknowledge the error, disown the inaccurate 
article, and remove both articles on Zionism from the electronic 
version of the encyclopedia and the original article from future 
printings and editions of the paper version.  (I assume there are as 
yet no subsequent printings that include the second article.) Simply 
putting an accurate article in the encyclopedia to "balance" an 
inaccurate article, as Gale has done, is not really a good and proper 
solution.  As a librarian, I wish to refer people to authoritative 
encyclopedias in order to receive accurate information.  The 
"solution" Gale has adopted is thus actually no solution at all and 
reflects a philosophy that will reduce an encyclopedia to simply a 
compendium of arguments, even false and outrageous ones, as opposed 
to a reliable source of accurate information.  The entry,
in my view, is a stain on Gale's reputation and makes me, personally, 
less confident in consulting any of its works or advising others to do so.

Thank you for your interest and openness and for affording us the 
opportunity to communicate our views on this issue.

I  am, sir,

   Very truly yours,

   Shmuel Ben-Gad,
   Gelman Library,
   George Washington University.


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