Re: [ha-Safran]: Disposition of Discards, Unsolicited Donations

2011-10-19 Thread Liz Edelglass
We have a small group of shelves in our library available for selling 
used books.  We sell all hardcovers for $1 and paperbacks for $.50 -- 
only rarely charge more if a book is especially valuable.  Our goal 
is not to get rich off these sales nor to bring in "market value" of 
each book, but to find homes for the books, move them our of our 
space, and make a small bit of money in the process.

Sadly, I do throw out some books from donations -- such as textbooks 
(which don't sell well at all) and anything that smells moldy.

We also have a public library in town that runs a used bookstore -- I 
sometimes give them our overflow, but they accept only harcovers and 
also not textbooks.  Again, sadly, I sometimes do discard mass market 
paperbacks, if they are in poor condition and have sat on my sale 
shelf for a long time with no interest.  I know that shelters and 
hospitals might be interested in some of our overflow or discards, 
but I just don't always have the time to research who wants what and 
make the deliveries -- perhaps you have a volunteer who might do this?

Last, but definitely not least, it is important for you to consider 
writing up an acquisition policy that defines what types of materials 
are suitable for your collection and that definitely includes 
language about who has the final say as to what will be added to the 
collection (in our case, that is me, the Library Director).  This is 
out fall-back protection if anyone questions why their donated books 
were not added to the collection.

If anyone asks me first, before anonymously dropping off donations, I 
always say that I will accept a SMALL donation (1 or 2 bags or boxes) 
in GOOD conidition, as long as I have permission to sell whatever we 
don't need for the collection.  People rarely object to this.


Elizabeth Edelglass
Library Director
Jewish Community Library
JCC of Greater New Haven
360 Amity Rd, Woodbridge, CT 06525
(203) 387-2424 x330


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RE: [ha-Safran]: Disposition of Discards, Unsolicited Donations

2011-10-19 Thread Deborah Stern
Hi Robin. This situation also occurs in larger academic libraries, like
ours. We do have an ongoing book sale for our students and faculty with
such materials. You might consider just keeping a table or cart of books
available to the congregation, asking them for a small donation or
telling them to help themselves. I also have developed a list of places
that I know will accept donations or might even purchase books from us.
I'm attaching it so that you can get some ideas from it.

Please send me a summary of the responses you get. I'd like to post it
on the AJL Wiki,,
so that when it comes up again there will be answers ready.  Thanks.

Debbie Stern, AJL VP for Publications
Mordecai M. Kaplan Library
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College
1299 Church Road
Wyncote, PA 19095


Messages and opinions expressed on Hasafran are those of the individual author
and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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