Re: [ha-Safran] statistics on Jewish book publishing in US

2007-11-06 Thread Henry Hollander
[This post self-edited with fire-extinguisher, but there may be some 
hot spots. Beware]

Between 17-18 of these titles would be unsuitable, unacceptable or 
offensive in any Jewish library. This is not counting Kabbalah center 
productions and some other fairly venal narishkeit. The list is 
updated hourly which means that it in no way indicates which books 
have legs and which are just having a brief or very brief moment in the sun.

All of the data that Amazon presents is the product of data mining. 
Clearly from my comments above, and more that others could 
make,  Amazon's data-mining is not tweaked to serve the informational 
needs of the Jewish library community. It probably could be, but it is not.

I understand the curiosity about the issues of the demographics of 
Book publishing. However, JEWISH book publishing is something that 
Amazon is only marginally associated with. Much of the important work 
in Jewish publishing is being done well below the radar of Amazon, 
Barnes and Noble and the other large players in the book trade. The 
people who do that work operate in an environment where the issue is 
more likely to be how to keep the ball rolling (getting the next 
important book out) rather that how to make an enormous return on 
investment to satisfy the shareholders.

Best Regards,
Henry Hollander

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Re: [ha-Safran] statistics on Jewish book publishing in US

2007-11-05 Thread Dina Tanners
Hi again,
I did find the Jewish best sellers on Amazon.  I first had to go 
to the best sellers list and then on the left was a list of 
categories.  I started with religion and then clicked on Jewish to get to:


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Re: [ha-Safran] statistics on Jewish book publishing in US

2007-11-02 Thread Dina Tanners
Here is an interesting point regarding sales of books with Jewish 
content.  I know that Hadassah has a list of top books sold by Jewish 
content, and we found the list is different from the books that we 
sell at a Judaica store where I work in Seattle.  We did contact 
someone, and we were told that lists such as these were compiled by 
sales at major chains or major book stores.  I wonder how much that 
skews the results that you are looking for.  I would think that the 
publishers would be a better source, but they actually only know how 
many books that they have shipped to book sellers.

(Also, since Night by Weisel was an Oprah choice, sales jumped dramatically.)

At one point, it was possible to see what the top ranked sellers were 
on Amazon.  I just found the Jewish bestsellers there, but I could 
not find the rankings.  I'm sure that web ordering has significantly 
changed the books that are sold too.

Dina Tanners
Seattle, WA

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Re: [ha-Safran] statistics on Jewish book publishing in US

2007-10-30 Thread Andrea Rapp
Jewish Book World has said that it reviews between 600-700 books 
anually, and more than 400 new titles are submitted each year as 
candidates for the National Jewish Book Awards.
   I, too, have been looking for statistics on Jewish book 
publishing, and I think I've posted requests on hasafran.
   Can anyone direct me to a list Moment Magazine once printed of the 
bestselling Jewish books of all time, and/or a source of statistics 
for the number of copies sold of books like Wiesel's NIGHT or other 
popular Jewish writers, such as Faye Kellerman?
  I came across a note about Lamm's Jewish Way in Death and 
Mourning which says it sold 320,000 copies and is one of the top 
sellers in Judaica, which I found very surprising... I would like 
information on these sorts of things and also about trends in the industry.
   Andrea Rapp
   Wise Temple, Cincinnati

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