David Zeller is one of my favorite storytellers.

Jack Canfield, co-creator of the New York Times best-selling Chicken Soup
for the Soul series

Author, singer and educator Rabbi David Zeller is available for events in
June, August and late October/November 2006.

David will be focusing on  his new book The Soul of The Story: Meetings with
Remarkable People (ISBN 1580232728 ) which was published recently by Jewish
Lights. Thoughtful and endearing, provocative and witty, the book is filled
delightful stories which recall David's meetings with the likes of  Carl
Jung, Shlomo Carlebach, Alan Watts, Sri Pad Baba, the Mother (Sri Aurobindo
Ashram), Carlos Castaneda and many others, well known and unknown and the
experiences and teachings that ultimately allowed him to rediscover his own
spiritual heritage. (please see  <http://davidzeller.org/book>
http://davidzeller.org/book for more info).

David has developed an international reputation as a musician, lecturer, and
workshop leader in Jewish mysticism, spirituality and meditation, as well as
in transpersonal psychology (the psychology of body, emotion, mind, and
soul). Whether he is singing or teaching, David's work focuses on touching
the heart as much as the mind and his quiet presence informs his
presentations with a unique power.

Please contact me to discuss arranging an event in your community.

Stuart Schnee
Public Relations, Marketing & Sales
US Tel: 973-796-2753
Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120

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