[ha-Safran] Younger Borrowers

2018-10-11 Thread Lee Jaffe via Hasafran
I'm seeking the "wisdom of crowds" in order to plan how to expand lending
privileges to young adults in our congregation.  Currently only adult
members are enrolled in our online borrowing system but we've reached a
point that we feel we can expand the borrower base to include young
adults.  I have no experience with school or children's  libraries and am
hoping members of the list can answer some questions and/or share insights
about points I've missed.

- Do we need adult sign-on a) for permission to add minors to the lending
system and/or
b) to establish responsibility
for items borrowed?

- How do you determine eligibility?   Hebrew high students?  Post-B'nai
Mitzvah?  Anyone over 13?

Any other considerations?

I should mention here that our lending system uses email address as the key
field.  This means that each enrolled member must furnish a unique email
address.  Young adults would need to provide their own email address to be
added to the system with their own account, or they could borrow items on
their parents' accounts.  In other words, not enrolling them separately
does not deny them access to the collection.  But they have more autonomy
if they have their own account.

Last, I plan to confer with the rabbi and staff who oversee the Temple
school to coordinate this initiative.  I hope to hold an introductory class
session in the library as part of the enrollment process. But I'd like to
have a plan – one that benefits from this list's collective experience –
before broaching the topic.

I appreciate whatever you are able to share.  If you want to reply directly
to me, I can try to summarize responses for the list.

Thank you,

Lee Jaffe
Temple Beth El, Aptos
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[ha-Safran] In sadness

2018-10-11 Thread Rita Lifton via Hasafran
I regret to inform you that Vivian Moskowitz (nee Silverstein) passed away 
after a long illness. The funeral was held this morning at Shomrei HaChomos in 
Brooklyn, NY. The family will be observing shiva at the Moskowitz home, 474 
East 2nd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11218 (Tel. no. 718-435-3179) until Wednesday 
morning, October 17th.

Vivian was a cataloger at The Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary of 
America and then a reference librarian at Yeshiva University/Stern College's 
Hedi Steinberg Library. She was a skilled librarian and a wonderful colleague. 
May her family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

Rita Lifton
Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary of America
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[ha-Safran] last call for October Carnival; first notice about forthcoming translation of Yiddish bestseller

2018-10-11 Thread Erika Dreifus via Hasafran
Greetings, all:

One final notice about the October AJL Jewish Book Carnival, which I'll be
hosting over on the My Machberet blog. Link contributions are due *today*
for posting on Monday. Background info and submission instructions are
available on the AJL site/Carnival HQ:
https://jewishlibraries.org/Jewish_Book_Carnival_HQ. (Many thanks to all
who have already sent in a link.)

I'd also like to take this opportunity to alert you all to Jewish
Storyteller Press's forthcoming publication of the first English
translation (by Tina Lunson) of Jacob Dinezon's 1877 Yiddish bestseller THE
DARK YOUNG MAN. I'm helping the press promote this title as part of its
work to #CelebrateDinezon in 2019, which will mark the 100th anniversary of
the author's yarzheit/yortsayt. The book will be released in February, and
you can learn much more about it at https://www.jewishstorytellerpress.com/;
I'm happy to receive requests for digital review copies at

Wishing everyone a very happy new year,

*Erika Dreifus* | Writer. Poet. Publicist. Resource Maven.
(w) http://www.erikadreifus.com
(t) http://twitter.com/erikadreifus
(f) http://facebook.com/erikadreifusauthor

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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