Re: [ha-Safran] Obsolete media in synagogue libraries

2022-02-28 Thread Aileen Grossberg via Hasafran
 I've been at my current job for about 9 years. I've not yet had anyone borrow 
a VHS tape or even ask about them. The other day the synagogue's executive 
director just took them all including the furniture case that they were stored 
in and tossed the entire thing. 

I think that's basically the future for these collections even if there is 
good-or even-rare material. Most people don't have the equipment and are more 
likely to stream than insert a piece of plastic or cartridge into a machine.
We can't save everything and unless our libraries are archives and have 
unlimited space, de-accessing is the way to go.
On the other hand, other media such as books have longer lives since there is 
nothing between the user and the medium. This same ED  wants to get rid of all 
the "old" books- mostly religious reference books. So far I've been able to 
keep her hands off those.
Aileen GrossbergJacobs LibraryOheb Shalom CongregationSouth Orange, NJ
-Original Message-
From: Andrea Rapp via Hasafran 
To: Hasafran 
Sent: Mon, Feb 28, 2022 12:59 pm
Subject: [ha-Safran] Obsolete media in synagogue libraries

Have you all tossed your VHS collections? I’ve kept ours because we still have 
equipment to play them. But really, is it past time to toss them? Any criteria 
for keeping some? People don’t even use DVDs or CDs anymore. In our large (22k 
items) collection we have lots of both. I’d be interested in hearing opinions 
and experience of others.
  Andrea Rapp, Isaac M.Wise Temple.
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Re: [ha-Safran] Obsolete media in synagogue libraries

2022-02-28 Thread Andrea Rapp via Hasafran
What on earth happened here?

> On Feb 28, 2022, at 8:55 PM, Andrea Rapp  wrote:
> SGF2ZSB5b3UgYWxsIHRvc3NlZCB5b3VyIFZIUyBjb2xsZWN0aW9ucz8gSeKAmXZlIGtlcHQgb3Vy
> cyBiZWNhdXNlIHdlIHN0aWxsIGhhdmUgZXF1aXBtZW50IHRvIHBsYXkgdGhlbS4gQnV0IHJlYWxs
> eSwgaXMgaXQgcGFzdCB0aW1lIHRvIHRvc3MgdGhlbT8gQW55IGNyaXRlcmlhIGZvciBrZWVwaW5n
> IHNvbWU/IFBlb3BsZSBkb27igJl0IGV2ZW4gdXNlIERWRHMgb3IgQ0RzIGFueW1vcmUuIEluIG91
> ciBsYXJnZSAoMjJrIGl0ZW1zKSBjb2xsZWN0aW9uIHdlIGhhdmUgbG90cyBvZiBib3RoLiBJ4oCZ
> ZCBiZSBpbnRlcmVzdGVkIGluIGhlYXJpbmcgb3BpbmlvbnMgYW5kIGV4cGVyaWVuY2Ugb2Ygb3Ro
> b3BpbmlvbnMgZXhwcmVzc2VkIG9uIEhhc2FmcmFuIGFyZSB0aG9zZSBvZiB0aGUgaW5kaXZpZHVh
> bCBhdXRob3IKYW5kIGFyZSBub3QgbmVjZXNzYXJpbHkgZW5kb3JzZWQgYnkgdGhlIEFzc29jaWF0
> PT09PT09PQpTdWJtaXNzaW9ucyBmb3IgSGEtU2FmcmFuLCBzZW5kIHRvOgpIYXNhZnJhbkBsaXN0
> cy5zZXJ2aWNlLm9oaW8tc3RhdGUuZWR1ClRvIGpvaW4gSGEtU2FmcmFuLCB1cGRhdGUgb3IgY2hh
> bmdlIHlvdXIgc3Vic2NyaXB0aW9uLCBldGMuIC0gY2xpY2sgaGVyZTogaHR0cHM6Ly9saXN0cy5z
> ZXJ2aWNlLm9oaW8tc3RhdGUuZWR1L21haWxtYW4vbGlzdGluZm8vaGFzYWZyYW4KUXVlc3Rpb25z
> LCBwcm9ibGVtcywgY29tcGxhaW50cywgY29tcGxpbWVudHMgc2VuZCB0bzogZ2Fscm9uLjFAb3N1
> LmVkdQpIYS1TYWZyYW4gQXJjaGl2ZXM6CkN1cnJlbnQ6Cmh0dHA6Ly93d3cubWFpbC1hcmNoaXZl
> LmNvbS9oYXNhZnJhbiU0MGxpc3RzLnNlcnZpY2Uub2hpby1zdGF0ZS5lZHUvbWFpbGxpc3QuaHRt
> bApFYXJsaWVyIExpc3RzZXJ2ZXI6Cmh0dHA6Ly93d3cubWFpbC1hcmNoaXZlLmNvbS9oYXNhZnJh
> biU0MGxpc3RzLmFjcy5vaGlvLXN0YXRlLmVkdS9tYWlsbGlzdC5odG1sCkFKTCBIb21lUGFnZSBo
> dHRwOi8vd3d3Lkpld2lzaExpYnJhcmllcy5vcmcKLS0KSGFzYWZyYW4gbWFpbGluZyBsaXN0Ckhh
> c2FmcmFuQGxpc3RzLm9zdS5lZHUKaHR0cHM6Ly9saXN0cy5vc3UuZWR1L21haWxtYW4vbGlzdGlu
> Zm8vaGFzYWZyYW4K

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[ha-Safran] Speech to text / Text to speech apps

2022-02-28 Thread Ann Abrams via Hasafran
Dear safranim,

A teacher asked me for guidance re: apps for a fifth grader with learning
challenges, re: apps to use ideally with an ipad to convert the student's
speaking into text, and vice versa.

Any suggestions?

Thank you, and hope you're all well and safe,


Ann Abrams, Librarian
Dr. Arnold L. Segel Library Center
Check out our library catalog 

TILLI (Temple Israel Lifelong Learning Institute) Coordinator
Pronouns: she/her

Temple Israel of Boston
477 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02215;!!KGKeukY!kzoyovpL0rR5vsvkVrVxV33ZlmHqM9jFpP9ZAmYDdeJxSl38XmVBBhoO6G6l4uiALGk$
Participate in Temple Israel life virtually.

Do you need help?  View our COVID-19 resources.

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[ha-Safran] Genealogy program on keeping Jewish heritage documents in public hands

2022-02-28 Thread Judy Petersen via Hasafran
Hello,     Those of you interested in the AJL Roundtable "A Time to Gather: 
Archives and the Control of Jewish Culture" program on March 24th might also be 
interested in the following program presented by the Jewish Genealogical 
Society of Colorado on Sunday, March 13th at 10:00 a.m. Mountain Standard Time:
"Keeping Jewish Heritage in Public Hands through Cooperation" featuring Dr. 
Yoel Finkelman of the National Library of Israel and Mattan Segev-Frank
Keeping Jewish heritage documents in public hands requires cooperation between 
private collectors, auction houses, sellers, law enforcement, and research 
libraries and archives. To Dr. Finkelman, an adversarial relationship, in which 
private holders must fear social pressure or legal action, can have unexpected 
and unintended negative consequences. The recent purchase by the National 
Library of Israel and the Hungarian Jewish Museum and Archive of pinkasim 
(community registers) serves as a case study. Mr. Segev represents the point of 
view of private individuals - Genealogists, Historians and descendants of lost 
Austrian-Hungarian communities whose books keep popping up in auctions around 
the world. While advocating, as Dr. Finkelman does, for cooperation between 
institutions and sellers in order to peacefully get these items to public hands 
without "scaring away" the collectors selling them is important, Mattan 
advocates for laws or regulations to compel whoever holds such artifacts to 
release them to the public domain, as it should not be the norm for 
institutions to rely on private individuals to donate our money for them to 
preserve these books.
  for members of the JGSCO; guests $5.00                     Judy Petersen  
               Library Director                 Congregation Har Shalom         
        Fort Collins, CO 
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[ha-Safran] Job Posting: Reference Services Librarian, Center for Jewish History

2022-02-28 Thread Lauren Gilbert via Hasafran
Reference Services Librarian, Center for Jewish History

The Center for Jewish History in New York City illuminates history, culture, 
and heritage. The Center provides a collaborative home for five partner 
organizations: American Jewish Historical Society, American Sephardi 
Federation, Leo Baeck Institute, Yeshiva University Museum, and YIVO Institute 
for Jewish Research.

The Reference Services Librarian, under the supervision of the Senior Manager 
for Public Services, works closely with other members of the CJH Public 
Services staff and partner organizations to coordinate the use of resources and 
collections. This individual is part of the team overseeing the day-to-day 
operation of the Reading Room and assisting researchers both on-site and 
remotely. The Reference Services Librarian provides bibliographic instruction 
to patrons and staff, demonstrates proper handling of rare books and documents, 
explains Reading Room policies and procedures, and collaborates with other CJH 
departments and partner organizations on special projects to advance 
institutional and departmental goals.

Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  *   Acting as an exemplary emissary for the Center for Jewish History in 
interactions with patrons of all levels of expertise.
  *   Learning all aspects of reference services at CJH, including the shared 
online catalog, ArchivesSpace, and Aeon, a special collections workflow 
  *   Managing the requests in the Aeon system to ensure that patrons receive 
their material in a timely fashion.
  *   Responding to user inquiries via in-person and remote reference 
interviews, phone, and email.
  *   Greeting and supervising researchers in the Reading Room.
  *   Disseminating and enforcing Reading Room and CJH partner policies and 
  *   Assisting patrons with research.
  *   Providing instruction in the handling of archival, manuscript, and rare 
  *   Paging material from the stacks.
  *   Assisting patrons/staff and troubleshooting usage of Reading Room 
technologies, including digital microfilm readers and public computers.
  *   Assisting with reproduction requests from researchers and performing 
  *   Developing and updating online research guides.
  *   Continually expanding knowledge of collections and relevant history to 
better assist patrons, staff, and the broader Center community.
  *   Assisting with departmental outreach as needed, including in-person and 
online tutorials and workshops for visiting students, and promoting primary 
source literacy.


  *   MLIS/MA degree from an ALA-accredited program with a specialization in 
archives or rare books OR equivalent combination of education and work in 
archives or manuscripts environment.
  *   Strong interpersonal skills and ability to work in a collaborative 
  *   Strong organizational skills and attention to detail.
  *   Experience implementing standards and procedures for stewardship of 
materials in an archives or special collections setting.

Preferred Qualifications:

  *   Knowledge of Hebrew and/or Yiddish.
  *   Knowledge of Jewish history.

Company Benefits:

  *   15-21 federal and religious holidays off each year in addition to 
generous vacation, sick and personal days.
  *   Full health benefits (medical, dental and vision) with minimal employee 
  *   Free life insurance and long-term disability coverage.
  *   Flexible spending account and commuter benefits.
  *   Generous 403b retirement benefits.

Salary: $50,000 to $55,000

The Center for Jewish History is committed to diversity and inclusion. 
Qualified individuals who bring diverse perspectives to the workplace are 
especially encouraged to apply.

Please submit cover letter and resume to Lauren Gilbert, Senior Manager for 
Public Services, at No phone calls, please.

Lauren Gilbert
Senior Manager for Public Services
Center for Jewish 
15 West 16 Street
New York, NY 10011
[cid:585718d0-28d7-4053-b95c-73cc6d090976] [cid:177acd28-ff66-4aa7-877b-a22de55fedac] 

[ha-Safran] Obsolete media in synagogue libraries

2022-02-28 Thread Andrea Rapp via Hasafran
Have you all tossed your VHS collections? I’ve kept ours because we still have 
equipment to play them. But really, is it past time to toss them? Any criteria 
for keeping some? People don’t even use DVDs or CDs anymore. In our large (22k 
items) collection we have lots of both. I’d be interested in hearing opinions 
and experience of others.
  Andrea Rapp, Isaac M.Wise Temple.
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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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[ha-Safran] Upcoming AJL Virtual Events

2022-02-28 Thread AJL PR via Hasafran
AJL Presents: Celebrating Women’s History Month, A Conversation on Jewish 
Thursday, March 3, 2022
4:00PM PT / 7:00PM ET
Join Tracey Felder, librarian at the Leo Baeck Institute, and Melanie Meyers, 
Director of Collections at the American Jewish Historical Society, for a 
discussion about the cookbooks in their collections. They will then invite 
participation by asking attendees some questions about cookbooks at their own 
institutions (or in their personal collections).

This session is sponsored by AJL’s RAS Division and is open to all members and 
the general public.
Register at;!!KGKeukY!m2cfRUv6bJ5YM0jXZDFZVP1LuQP-U3_aErtvmJoZfu5V8oCpp6rWlNgtnk_-CyxeTQUP5woP8BgoYV4$

SSCPL Roundtable: Using Canva to Enhance Virtual Storytime
Monday, March 7, 2022 
4:00PM PT / 7:00PM ET
Get a basic introduction to the graphic design platform Canva and learn some 
techniques for using it to create games, quizzes, and digital felt boards to 
jazz up virtual classes or storytimes.

This session is sponsored by AJL’s SSCPL Division and is open to all members of 
AJL. Members only.
Login to register 

AJL Classroom: Library Management 101
Dates: March 10, 15, 24 (March 15 is correct, since March 17 is Purim)
Time: 6:00–7:30pm ET
AJL members $75/nonmembers $150
Instructor: Kathy Bloomfield
Does your library have a mission statement? Or a strategic plan?
Do you know how to prepare a budget for the library?
Do you know how to attract and keep volunteers? Or “fire” a volunteer?
What is your leadership style?
This highly interactive class will delve into these topics and more to teach 
the management skills needed to understand the “business” of running your 
library.   There will be discussions and homework. An assignment due at the end 
of Session 3 will demonstrate that you know how to ensure that your library is 
a priority in your institution.
Instructor Kathy Bloomfield is the president of the Association of Jewish 
Libraries. Though currently “retired,” she uses her time for a variety of 
activities such as book editing, book reviewing, and managing her personal 
library of over two thousand books. With over forty-five years of experience in 
for-profit, nonprofit, and entrepreneurial business, volunteer roles including 
synagogue president, and innumerable committee work, she is ideally suited to 
use her expertise to assist others in finding their managerial talents. Kathy 
lives in Seal Beach, California.
Register at;!!KGKeukY!m2cfRUv6bJ5YM0jXZDFZVP1LuQP-U3_aErtvmJoZfu5V8oCpp6rWlNgtnk_-CyxeTQUP5woPnoBgDx4$

AJL & StoryTime Solidarity Present: How to be an Ally to Jewish Patrons and 
Students (Even in a Non-Jewish Neighborhood)
Sunday, March 20, 2022
1:00PM PT / 4:00PM ET

The FBI reports that 60% of all religious hate crimes target Jewish people 
despite the fact that only 2% of America’s population identifies as Jewish. As 
librarians and educators, how can we push back against this injustice? Join 
Storytime Solidarity and the Association of Jewish Libraries for a free 
workshop on standing in solidarity with the Jewish community. Get answers to 
the questions you didn’t know you wanted to ask, learn about Jewish diversity, 
and find out what actions you can take and what books you can buy to help the 
Jewish community—even if you have no Jewish patrons or students!

Presented by Heidi Rabinowitz, Susan Kusel, Rebecca Levitan, and Sylvie 
Shaffer. Open to members and nonmembers.
Register at;!!KGKeukY!m2cfRUv6bJ5YM0jXZDFZVP1LuQP-U3_aErtvmJoZfu5V8oCpp6rWlNgtnk_-CyxeTQUP5woPJUZO_Qc$

AJL Roundtable: A Time to Gather: Archives and the Control of Jewish Culture
Thursday, March 24, 2022
9:30AM PT / 12:30PM ET / 7:30PM Israel Time
Dr. Jason Lustig, Lecturer and Israel Institute Teaching Fellow at the 
University of Texas at Austin’s Schusterman Center for Jewish Studies, will 
discuss his recent book A Time to Gather: Archives and the Control of Jewish 
Culture, published 

[ha-Safran] AJL Announces Spring 2022 Holiday Highlights List

2022-02-28 Thread Heidi Rabinowitz via Hasafran

Contact: Heidi Rabinowitz


For immediate release, February 27, 2022 — The Association of Jewish
Libraries is pleased to announce that five titles have been selected for
its seasonal AJL Holiday Highlights list, celebrating Shabbat, Havdalah,
and Passover. These titles are AJL’s picks for the best Jewish holiday
children’s books of Spring 2022.

Titles that are selected as Holiday Highlights exemplify the highest
standards of authentic Jewish representation and holiday spirit in both
writing and illustration. A committee of expert judges recommends these
books for use by families, in schools, and in libraries. AJL hopes that the
publishing world will look to the quality of these examples when creating
new children’s books about Jewish holidays.

Holiday Highlights titles are named twice a year, for the spring and fall
publishing seasons. Submissions are being accepted now for the Fall 2022
list. Please email to send digital
review copies or to request instructions for sending print review copies.

The Spring 2022 AJL Holiday Highlights are:


Shabbat Shalom & A New Week, both by Vicky Weber, illustrated by Shirly
Ng-Benitez, Apples and Honey Press (6/1/22)

This pair of board books introduces the weekend rituals associated with
welcoming Shabbat on Friday night and saying goodbye to Shabbat on Saturday
night. Spare yet charming illustrations feature toddlers of varying skin
tones, complemented by rhyming couplets.


A Persian Passover by Etan Basseri, illustrated by Rashin Kheiriyeh,
Kalaniot (3/18/22)

Sibling hijinks threaten Passover until a friendly neighbor comes to the
rescue. Bright collage illustrations capture mid-century Iran and highlight
the details of Sephardic Passover preparation unique to the setting.

Alone Together on Dan Street by Erica Cohen Lyons, illustrated by Jen
Jamieson, Apples & Honey Press (3/1/22)

This lovely Passover tale captures the spirit of the holiday, and the
concept of community, all couched in the isolation of Covid. As Mira’s
family prepares for Passover in Jerusalem during the lock-down, she finds a
safe way to bring the whole neighborhood together.

Raquela’s Seder by Joel Edward Stein, illustrated by Sara Ugolotti, Kar-Ben
Publishing (2/1/22)

Set during the Spanish Inquisition, a young girl and her parents take to
their fishing boat to celebrate a Passover seder in secret. Patterned
textiles infuse the moonlit illustrations while the parallels between the
Exodus and the Inquisition invoke resonances across Jewish history.

Find a PDF listing the Spring 2022 AJL Holiday Highlights titles HERE


AJL’s Holiday Highlights judges are experts in their field:

Robbin Friedman is the head of children’s services at the Chappaqua Library
in Chappaqua, NY. She has served on ALSC’s Newbery committee, written
for School
Library Journal, The Horn Book and Guessing Geisel, and taught Hebrew
school once upon a time.

Amy Lilien-Harper has been a professional children’s librarian since 1995.
She has served on the Newbery committee, the Caldecott committee and the
ALA Notable children’s recordings committees.  She reviews picture books
for School Library Journal, and has served four times on the Nutmeg
Committee, which chooses books for the Connecticut Children’s choice awards.

Sylvie Shaffer is the PreK-8 librarian at the Capitol Hill Day School in
Washington, DC and is active in several overlapping kidlit-focused
communities including ALSC, YALSA, and Capitol Choices. Sylvie served on
AJL’s 2019 and 2020 Sydney Taylor Book Awards as well as on ALSC’s 2018
Geisel Committee.

The Association of Jewish Libraries, the leading authority on Judaic
librarianship, is an international professional organization that fosters
access to information and research in all forms of media relating to all
things Jewish. The Association promotes Jewish literacy and scholarship and
provides a community for peer support and professional development. Learn
more at

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and are not necessarily endorsed by the Association of Jewish Libraries (AJL)
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