[ha-Safran] New book: Kosher ADHD: Surviving and Thriving in The Torah-Observant World

2023-12-08 Thread Stuart Schnee via Hasafran
This new book will be of interest to some:

Kosher ADHD: Surviving and Thriving in The Torah-Observant World

Kosher ADHD offers a practical yet creative approach how to transform the
chaos of ADHD into a fulfilling Torah-observant lifestyle. Synthesizing
Jewish insight and sensitivities with contemporary psychological theories
and research, Drs. Chesner and Markowitz provide all who struggle with ADHD
- parents, teachers, children, adults, and therapists - with structured
guidelines to empower the ADHD individual to thrive personally, and within
the family, school, and community. It includes detailed strategies for how
someone with ADHD can overcome difficulties with prayer, Shabbat, Torah
study, and other central aspects of Judaism. This book is a revolution in
guidance for Jewish families living a Torah-based life and struggling with
the challenges of ADHD. 

About the Authors
Dr. Simcha Chesner founded and directed the Bnei Chayil Yeshivot in Israel
for adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity and associated
disorders. He published three books in Hebrew for children and adults with
ADHD and he directed clinical services for the Idud National Program for
ADHD of the Brookdale Institute and JDC.  He currently lectures and
supervises MA students in special education and psychology at Orot Teachers
College and is the Executive Director of the Israel Academy of Social and
Emotional Learning.  Dr. Chesner received his Ph.D. in clinical psychology
from Case Western Reserve University where he was awarded the David Hudson
Fellowship for excellence in scholarship and citizenship. He received his
undergraduate degree from Yeshiva University.  In 1991, Dr. Chesner made
Aliyah with his wife, Dr. Rachel Chesner.  For the past three decades, they
have lived in Israel with their children and grandchildren.

Dr. Sara Markowitz,Ph.D. has achieved an incredible amount, in large part
due to her personal "ADHD" superpowers.  In addition to obtaining a Ph.D. in
clinical psychology from Farleigh Dickinson University, Dr. Markowitz is is
the founding director of an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for Jewish
Women at Achieve Behavioral Health, the largest behavioral health center
serving the greater Jewish community. Dr. Markowitz continues to develop
curriculum and measure clinical outcome research for ADHD parenting groups
and integration of ADHD individuals within the Jewish community.  She has
developed curricula, currently utilized in schools and families focusing on
overcoming challenges of multiple origins.
In addition to her formal professional activities, Dr. Markowitz is a mother
to five awesome children and is the Rebbetzin of Congregation Shomrei Torah
in Fairlawn, New Jersey.

Kosher ADHD: Surviving and Thriving in The Torah-Observant World Publisher:
Kodesh Press, November 15, 2023, 309 pgs. Price: USD: $19.95, ISBN:
979-8-88894-019-8   Publisher link:  

Stuart Schnee
Book Shepherd/Publicist

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[ha-Safran] New Book Series on Basics of Jewish Belief and Faith

2021-10-31 Thread Stuart Schnee via Hasafran
I think some here will find this of interest: 



New Book Series on Basics of Jewish Belief and Faith

Three volumes reinforce belief, increase passion and deepen commitment.

The Unbroken Chain

In this fascinating book, master-educator and author Rabbi David Sapirman
 >  illustrates that the Oral Torah we
have today is the original, authentic one that was given to Moshe on Mount
Sinai. This unique and essential book explains many perplexing issues, and
will undoubtedly bring considerable clarity to understanding and belief in
the Oral Torah.

The Unbroken Chain offers everyone, young or old, the opportunity to
comprehend the system of the Oral Torah and answer its related questions
with ease. Considering its subject, depth, and comprehensive explanation,
this unique work is sure to be classic.


The Torah has been transmitted to us with extreme care and precision. The
Rambam believed in it and passed it on. The Vilna Gaon believed in it and
passed it on. Our grandparents believed in it and passed it on. While
receiving a tradition handed down from generation to generation can be
enough for us to trust and live by, substantiating faith with one's own
thinking and intellect offers huge advantages.  It provides excitement - a
passion and an enthusiasm that make the Torah alive and vibrant. It helps
tailor our Torah lives to our individual minds and souls. It helps make
Judaism real.

No magical "leap of faith" is necessary in order to believe. All we need is
clear thinking - as demonstrated in this incredible book. In this 'refresher
course' to emunah, we will rediscover why we believe, and will be able to
pray and learn with ever-increasing levels of emunah and connection to

Tranquility and Travail

Common sense seems to dictate that the world should be run simply and
clearly: good people should be rewarded and bad people should be punished.

However, that's just not the way things are. Naturally, we wonder why. Why
did that wonderful person go through such pain? Why do innocent children
die? And why do evil people sometimes seem to succeed?

This question is as ancient as the world itself. King
 >  David addressed it in chapter 73 of
Tehillim, saying that this question often knocks people off their feet and
drives them off the path of Hashem. Shlomo Hamelech writes repeatedly in
Koheles that this is one of the main reasons why people sin, since the
difference between good and bad is not apparent to them in this life. And
this was one of Moshe's main questions to Hashem.

Indeed, throughout the millennia, this gnawing question continues to
frustrate and discourage people from serving the Creator properly. However,
while we cannot fully understand G-d's ways, Tanach and the statements of
Chazal do offer glimpses into the ways of Divine providence. There are
answers to much of the mystery. This comprehensive and easy-to-read book
shares core information and key insights from Torah sources.


About the Author
Rabbi Dovid Sapirman is a former student of the Philadelphia, Ponevezh, and
Lakewood Yeshivot. Over the course of his career in education, he has been a
teacher, author and public speaker. He is passionate about offering chizuk
in emunah to bnei Torah of all ages and backgrounds. Rabbi Sapirman's
popular audio and video lectures have enhanced the lives of tens of
thousands of people across the globe. Rabbi Sapirman has taught and lectured
in the yeshiva and kiruv world for almost 4 decades. He has developed an
expertise in presenting the fundamentals of Jewish faith - to a wide range
of listeners. He has spoken to hundreds of educators and tens of thousands
of students in schools across the spectrum all over the world. 





Stuart Schnee

Public Relations, Marketing & Sales


US Tel:   973-796-2753

Israel Tel:   +972-54-790-9120


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[ha-Safran] New Talmud Study Resources Available: Free Digital Files Offered to Schools

2020-10-28 Thread Stuart Schnee via Hasafran
New Talmud Study Resources Available: Free Digital Files Offered to Schools
& New Book Published


In just a few short years over 15,000 students from over 100 yeshivos and
day schools across the US and Canada have benefitted from the Bright
Beginnings Gemara/Talmud series  . 


Now, due to the Corona pandemic Bright Beginnings is offering these books
for the current academic year for free to schools. In addition a new
resource, the Bright Beginnings Eilu Mitziyus book 
has just been released which includes the renowned features of previous


-the well-known sugya/section of "Yiush She'lo Mida'as"

-Hachana (preparation) L'Gemara section

-dozens of images, timelines, illustrations and graphics to help students
visualize, understand and retain the Gemara.

-translation word lists arranged according to their appearance in the Gemara

-review exercises on translation, understanding and the "Shakla
V'tarya"/logical give-and-take of the Gemara

- a 'big picture' review of the "Shakla V'tarya"/logical give-and-take every
few units to enable students to follow the logical steps - so crucial to
mastering this vital section of the Talmud (Yiush She'lo Mida'as). It is
currently available on Amazon  .


Offer to Schools/Yeshivos/Day Schools


In light of the current pandemic challenges facing educators, Bright
Beginnings is pleased to offer files of all our books to educators for use
in the classroom or via distance learning during the 2020-21 academic school

Sample files can be seen here:

Eilu Mitziyus Part 2 sample:


Brachos Book #1 Part 2 sample:   


Here is a list of the digital files available to schools at no cost for use
during the 2020-21 academic school year:

 1) Hachana L'Gemara (good for introducing children to any Gemara)

 2) Hachana L'Chumash (teaches pre-chumash skills, like identifying
shorashim, and the use of prefix and suffix)

3) Gemara Eilu Mitziyus (Beginning of Perek 2 through and including all of
"Yiush She'lo Mida'as) 

4) Gemara Brachos, Perek 4, Book #1 

5) Gemara Brachos, Perek 4, Book #2 

6) Chumash Lech Lecha, Book #1 (Perakim 12 & 13)  

7) Chumash Lech Lecha, Book #2 (rest of Parshas Lech Lecha, and our adorable
"ShoreshLand" game.

If you would like to have some of these files for your school, simply send
an email to bbchum...@gmail.com, requesting the files you want for your
school, and affirming that these (copyrighted) files are only for teacher's
use for the 5781/2020-21   school year.


About The Authors

Rabbi Yakov Horowitz, Founding Dean of Monsey's Yeshiva Darchei Noam and
Director of The Center for Jewish Family Life, conducts child abuse
prevention and parenting workshops internationally. He's the author of two
books, published the landmark children's personal safety picture book "Let's
Stay Safe!" which has been adapted into Yiddish and Hebrew, and produced and
published the Bright Beginnings Chumash and Gemara Workbooks which help
children acquire Judaic Studies and language skills easily and effectively.
Rabbi Horowitz received the prestigious 2008 Covenant Award in recognition
of his contribution to Jewish education.


Rabbi Aaron Spivak has spent nearly two decades in the field of Jewish
education mostly as fifth-grade rebbe at Yeshiva Darchei Noam in Monsey, NY.
In this role, he developed a reputation for fostering caring relationships
with his students which imbued them with enthusiasm for learning and
Judaism. Rabbi Spivak is also well known for his innovative methods and
foundational approach to beginning gemara which has given his hundreds of
students the fundamental skills necessary to begin a successful life of
gemara learning. He has presented his approach at national conferences and
is the author of the Bright Beginnings Hascholas Gemara Workbook series.
Rabbi Spivak earned his MA in Mental Health Counseling from Long Island
University. He currently lives in Monsey, NY with his family where he
continues to write his revolutionary gemara workbooks, mentors and guides
young Rabbis, and serves as staff therapist at the Center for Applied


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[ha-Safran] New book commemorates 50th anniv. of Six Day War

2017-06-01 Thread Stuart Schnee



A Diary Helps Commemorate

50th Anniversary of Six Day War


The dramatic, day-by-day journal of an American family

in Israel during the Six Day War.


A Riveting Firsthand Account 


In advance of the upcoming 50th anniversary of the Six Day War, Feldheim
Publishers is proud to reissue Rabbi Emanuel Feldman's bestselling firsthand
account of life on the Israeli home front before and during the war.


Rabbi Feldman was on a sabbatical in Israel with his family in the time
before and during the Six Day War. His decision to keep a daily account of
the tense weeks before the war and during the war itself led to a dramatic,
day-by-day journal telling the story of an American family and an entire
nation who lived through the frantic and historical days of June 1967.

This is an honest and candid portrayal, without frills or embellishments
allowing readers to relive it as it was: the fear, agony, and despair, as
well as the joy, triumph, and laughter. And you will meet the Israelis as
they were, not romanticized or idealized, but as flesh-and-blood people -
the heretics and the pious, the sinners and the saints, the cowards and the

This engaging volume will enable readers to live this exciting moment in
Jewish history which took Israel from the brink of disaster to that moment
of miraculous triumph which stunned the world on the 28th of Iyar, 1967.



Title: The 28th of Iyar - 50th Anniversary Edition 

By: Rabbi Emmanuel Feldman

Publisher: Feldheim

ISBN: 978-1-68025-294-1 Format: Hardcover 176 pages   Price: $14.99 US, 65



Stuart Schnee

Public Relations, Marketing & Sales

 <http://www.stuartschnee.com/> www.stuartschnee.com

US Tel: 973-796-2753

Israel Tel:  <tel:%2B972-54-790-9120> +972-54-790-9120




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[ha-Safran] A Historical Cliffhanger.....on Masada

2016-03-09 Thread Stuart Schnee
Dear Librarians,


Menorah Books is pleased to announce the publication of The Scroll by Miriam
Feinberg Vamosh. Information on the book follows below. 

Libraries ordering from the publisher received a 40% discount. Order can be
placed by calling 702-763-5781 or writing:
<mailto:ord...@menorah-books.com> ord...@menorah-books.com 



The Scroll

A Historical Cliffhanger.on Masada


A sensational but little known archaeological find, the divorce document of
a woman named Miriam issued at the desert fortress of Masada is the basis
for this new historical page turner. Beginning with a fateful decision by
Miriam, a strong-willed survivor on Masada's final, horrific day, the tale
spans three generations of her descendants.  This saga extends from the
depths of her despair on a barren desert plateau to the glittering city of
Alexandria where Miriam sought love and a future, and back to the Holy Land,
where, amid the clashing cultures at Beit Guvrin, the storied city of
Zippori and, finally, at the emerald oasis of Ein Gedi, the past continues
to stalk her, threatening to devour her children.

The Scroll is an adventure-rich voyage through the ancient customs and
beliefs of Judaism and early Christianity and the challenges both faced in a
hostile world.  Readers are transported to the very roads and markets,
palaces and hovels, synagogues and village squares of ancient Judea, where
The Scroll's characters choose between nation and family, and finally,
between life and death.  Will Miriam's descendants learn the lessons of her
life, or will enemies - within and without - rob those lessons from them? 

Although The Scroll deals with events that took place two millennia ago, it
sheds light which helps make sense of the complexities of today's Israel and
the choices its leaders make.

About the Author

Miriam Feinberg Vamosh was born in Trenton, NJ and has lived in Israel since
1970.  Her love for the Bible and ancient texts deepened over many years
working as a tour educator.  Miriam's interest in the New Testament led her
to weave together Jewish literary sources, traditions and beliefs with the
origins of Christianity, and teach about them on-site throughout Israel.
Miriam has published a number of books, including: Teach it to Your
Children: How Kids Lived in Bible Days, Daily Life at the Time of Jesus,
which has been translated into 32 languages, Food at the Time of the Bible,
Women at the Time of the Bible, the award winning Reflections of God's Holy
Land: a Personal Journey Through Israel and hundreds of articles about
Israel's history, archaeology and tour sites.  Miriam translates and edits
the works of scholars and has worked for the Ha'aretz news desk for the past


Title: The Scroll   Author: Miriam Feinberg Vamosh   

Publisher: Menorah BooksISBN: 978-1-940516-46-2

Format: Paperback Price: $22.95   Publication Date: April 2016



Stuart Schnee

Public Relations, Marketing & Sales

 <http://www.stuartschnee.com/> www.stuartschnee.com

US Tel: 973-796-2753

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[ha-Safran] New book in the Elisha Davidson Series (Jewish Harry Potter)

2016-02-22 Thread Stuart Schnee

Elisha Davidson and the Ispaklaria is new title in The Elisha Davidson
trilogy from Menorah Books! The series launched last year to terrific
reviews and has been called "The Jewish Harry Potter".


In a tale breaking through time and space in the Old City of Jerusalem, the
second Elisha Davidson
i2rEWKry2pH69k4mAaFz5hSsw-dtkKUUMFD9XsX2DpjSa0yzji9dCXUQb_qj-aI=> title is
now available to readers everywhere. 

Author M.R. Attar was a leader in the Israeli TV industry before she started
writing this trilogy for young readers (approx.. ages 11+)


More info and direct ordering from publisher can be found here:
http://bit.ly/1Z75qI8  The book is also available on Amazon here:





Stuart Schnee

Public Relations, Marketing & Sales

 <http://www.stuartschnee.com/> www.stuartschnee.com

US Tel: 973-796-2753

Israel Tel:  <tel:%2B972-54-790-9120> +972-54-790-9120




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[ha-Safran] Author available for speaking events - Running From Giants, Dr. Margareta Ackerman

2015-07-14 Thread Stuart Schnee
I am pleased to inform you that the author of Running From Giants
http://amzn.to/1HZxw2f , Dr. Margareta Ackerman
http://www.runningfromgiants.com/ is available to speak on a variety of
topics to groups throughout North America. There is no honorarium to host
Dr. Ackerman - travel expenses only.


Running From Giants is a memoir of an 8 year old boy who survives the
Holocaust by running from the Nazis. This boy became the authors
grandfather. The book is geared for younger readers and contains original
illustrations. There is also a study guide for teachers. More can be seen
here: http://www.runningfromgiants.com/ 


Dr. Ackerman speaks on a variety of topics including: What can be learned
from the resilience and optimism of holocaust survivors, the Holocaust
through art, bullying, bigotry etc.


Her speaking events have been received very nicely (see testimonials below).
Please feel free to contact me if you'd like to discuss an event or contact
Dr. Ackerman directly at:   mailto:i...@runningfromgiants.com





I invited Dr. Margareta Ackerman to speak at a meeting of our local
Freethinkers' Forum for which I am a co-director.  She gave a wonderful talk
which was well attended and well received by our group.  She was very
organized and articulate.  She blended facts of history and psychology with
personal anecdotes in an informative and entertaining way.  She spoke not
only from the mind but also from the heart.  The story of her grandfather's
experience during the Holocaust was riveting.  We hope to have her back for
another talk, and I definitely recommend her as a speaker to other groups.  


~Gary Whittenberger Ph.D.


It was my pleasure and honor to hear Margareta Ackerman's outstanding
presentation titled Faith and Hope After the Holocaust. Margareta's
presentation covered the unique perspectives of some survivors of the Nazi
holocaust...   Margareta's presentation also covered how her grandfather, a
holocaust survivor, had the resilience to survive and retain a positive
outlook on life.  I talked to many people after the presentation, the praise
I heard was unanimous, that it was a powerful and moving presentation.  

~ Jon Lutz


Dr. Ackerman's book is a tribute to her grandfather, Srulik Ackerman, and
humanity... Her lectures about her grandfather's epic story bring out deeply
felt personal emotions as she describes the horrific experiences her
grandfather endured struggling to survive and escaping death at the hands
the Nazis.  Running from Giants also conveys a ... profound message about
the incredible strength of the human spirit.

Warren Brackmann
CFI-Tallahassee Advisory Board
Co-Director of Tallahassee Freethinkers' Forum at UUCT
VP for Social Justice at UUCT



Stuart Schnee

Public Relations, Marketing  Sales

 http://www.stuartschnee.com/ www.stuartschnee.com

US Tel: 973-796-2753

Israel Tel:  tel:%2B972-54-790-9120 +972-54-790-9120




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[ha-Safran] 500 Years of Jewish Publishing - The People of the Book

2015-05-17 Thread Stuart Schnee
Dear colleagues.


I am pleased to share information about a book which covers 500 years of
Jewish publishing which I thought many here would find of interest. 


More information is below and a link to the book page is here:




500 Years in the Making: People of the Book

The Hebrew Book from the Beginning of Printing 

to the Twentieth Century


The invention of the printing press created a revolution for Jews
everywhere. Who could imagine at that time the extraordinary benefits that
printing would bring to world Jewry?

People of the Book vividly describes the invention itself, and then takes
readers through five hundred years of Hebrew printing, from the earliest
products of fifteenth-century printers to those of modern times.

Author Akiva Aaronson introduces readers to the first printed editions of
the most well-known and classic Jewish books: The Talmud, the Rambam,
Shulchan Aruch and many more. Meet the famous Hebrew printers of previous
generations: Soncino, Bomber, Romm, Heidenheim, Bak and others. Visit the
Jewish communities where Hebrew printing took place, from its earliest days
until the present: Venice, Salonika, Prague, Amsterdam, Slavita, Warsaw and
Vilna, to name a few.

Weaving lively text with over two hundred magnificent, full-color
photographs of original Hebrew volumes, People of the Book is truly a
journey through time - Jewish time - over five centuries of Hebrew printing.
Follow its odyssey, from persecution and censorship to survival and triumph,
set against the phenomenal history of the times in this beautiful
coffee-table edition.



Title: People of the Book: Five Hundred Years of the Hebrew Book from the
Beginning of Printing to the Twentieth Century

Author:  Akiva Aaronson

Publisher:  Feldheim Publishers

ISBN:  978-159826956-7Hardcover, $39.99, 231 Pages



Stuart Schnee

Public Relations, Marketing  Sales

 http://www.stuartschnee.com/ www.stuartschnee.com

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[ha-Safran] Intriguing Author - Speaker - on North American Tour

2014-04-30 Thread Stuart Schnee

Tzirel Rus Berger, author of the bestselling memoir The Mountain Family
(Artscroll) will be touring North America in May and June 2014 and is
available to speak for community organizations. Her memoir chronicles her
journey from being a pastor's daughter in California, building a Christian
family with ten children in the Appalachian mountains without electricity or
running water, to her eventual conversion to Orthodox Judaism with her
family and a life in Israel. Mrs. Berger's has already inspired hundreds of
people at her lectures about her life and new book. 


For information about scheduling an event please contact Stuart Schnee PR at
s...@stuartschnee.com mailto:s...@stuartschnee.com 


Thank you



Stuart Schnee

Public Relations, Marketing  Sales

 http://www.stuartschnee.com/ www.stuartschnee.com

US Tel: 973-796-2753

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[ha-Safran] Running from Giants: The Holocaust through the Eyes of a Child - New book study guide

2014-04-13 Thread Stuart Schnee

New book  study guide: Running from Giants: The Holocaust through the Eyes
of a Child  by Margareta Ackerman  (available via Ingram and Amazon)

ISBN: 978-1492330967, Paperback, 86 Pages,  $7.99 


Combining prose with powerful imagery, this illustrated memoir tells the
true story of a young boy's struggle to survive in Nazi occupied Europe,
from the forests where he and his brothers once happily played, to the
horrors of the ghetto.


An accompanying, peer reviewed study guide includes 26 pages of lesson plans
and questions for comprehension, discussion and analysis as well as section
on prejudice, discrimination and bullying and appendix on Jewish customs.
The study guide is available as a free download here:



Stuart Schnee

Public Relations, Marketing  Sales

 http://www.stuartschnee.com/ www.stuartschnee.com

US Tel: 973-796-2753

Israel Tel:  tel:%2B972-54-790-9120 +972-54-790-9120




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[ha-Safran] Let My Children Cook!: A Passover Cookbook for Kids

2014-03-31 Thread Stuart Schnee

Let My Children Cook! makes it easy for kids to share in the fun of cooking
-- at a time of year when parents can really use the help! Kids will also
discover how to cook delicious food on their own. Filled with recipes every
kid (and adult!) is sure to love, such as Matzah Marshmallow Melts, Crunchy
Chicken Crisps and Matzah Soup Squares, to Rocky Road Brownies and Mock
Oatmeal Cookies, the entire family will enjoy this delightful cookbook.

Featuring ...
Over 80 delicious, easy recipes!
Cooking and kitchen safety tips
Hilarious illustrations
Loads of creative ideas
Fun and easy craft projects


By Tamar Ansh

Judaica Press (http://www.judaicapress.com/) 

List Price: $9.99

*ISBN-13: 978-1607631422

Available via Baker  Taylor, Ingram, Amazon and Jewish Bookstores


Stuart Schnee

Public Relations, Marketing  Sales

 http://www.stuartschnee.com/ www.stuartschnee.com

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Israel Tel:  tel:%2B972-54-790-9120 +972-54-790-9120




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[ha-Safran] The New Talmud App

2013-08-16 Thread Stuart Schnee
I recently saw the new Talmud App and thought you might find this




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[ha-Safran] Large Sale at Feldheim Publishers for Book Week

2013-06-10 Thread Stuart Schnee


Feldheim.com is currently having a sale on almost everything on their site.
Most savings are 20%, some 10% off. Free shipping on orders over $25.




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[ha-Safran] Sign up for news from Menucha Publishing (Targum)

2013-05-30 Thread Stuart Schnee


Sign up for the newsletters  emails of Menucha Publishers (Targum) to stay
informed about new books, authors and sales. Sign up via the link below
(currently there is a sweepstakes to win a copy of the new book Dating Smart
- so, you may even win a book!)




thanks, Stuart Schnee


Stuart Schnee

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[ha-Safran] 65 Books for 65 Years. Celebrating Israel. With Books, Of Course.

2013-04-15 Thread Stuart Schnee
In honor of Israel's 65th birthday scores of people nominated their favorite
Israel books for the 65 book for 65 years list. I am pleased to offer you
the results!






Stuart Schnee

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[ha-Safran] Powerful Photography and Old Text Create New Jewish Prayer Experience

2013-02-18 Thread Stuart Schnee
I am pleased to inform you about the publication of Nehalel beShabbat - the
full Shabbat siddur in the new Nehalel series  in which photos give focus to
the meanings of prayer.


A free download of Kabbalat Shabbat excerpted from Nehalel is now available
at: http://www.nehalel.com/kabbalat_shabbat.html





Powerful Photography and Old Text Create 

New Jewish Prayer Experience


Series of Prayer Books Launched


Purchase information: http://www.nehalel.com/buynehalelbeshab.html 



Nehalel beShabbat is the full Shabbat siddur (prayer book) in the new
Nehalel series.  Modeled on the vastly popular, photographically illustrated
Nevarech bencher (Grace after Meals book), which has sold nearly half a
million copies, Nehalel brings its groundbreaking format to the
siddur-awakening readers to the content of their prayers by juxtaposing
stunning photos, which not only decorate, but also powerfully portray the
meanings in the liturgy. 


The wholly traditional, beautifully set Hebrew text is superbly readable,
and the new English translation, while remaining faithful to the Hebrew,
boldly reveals the prayers as elegant and vividly contemporary.
Painstakingly assembled from a wide variety of archives and other sources,
the photos match the text against reality in a way never before seen in a
prayer book.  Spanning over a hundred years, the images highlight the large,
intersecting themes within the siddur: petitioning and celebrating the
Creator for this beautiful world, for the State of Israel, for the overall
redemption of the Jewish people and of humanity as a whole.


With over 650 awe-inspiring pages, Nehalel beShabbat is robustly modern yet
thoroughly committed to tradition.  The focusing of our thoughts achieved by
its combination of word and image make it, first and foremost, a siddur for
praying with.  The series will soon include the equally inspiring volumes
for weekday and holiday prayer (Nehalel beChol  Nehalel beRegalim),
continuing the encounter with meaning and majesty first strikingly evoked by
the Nevarech bencher.  More on Nehalel beShabbat at www.nehalel.com
http://www.nehalel.com/ . 


About the Editor/Translator

Conception and development of Nehalel, as well as its new English
translation, are the work of Michael Haruni.  Haruni's academic research
background in Philosophy led him to examine the nature of kavanah (the
directing of thought) in prayer.  He is the creator of the innovative
Nevarech bencher, while his stage plays, especially The Stonemason and
STaM, have explored the relation between faith and identity.  He lives in
Jerusalem with his family.


Purchase information: http://www.nehalel.com/buynehalelbeshab.html 


Title: Nehalel beShabbat  

Editor/Translator: Michael Haruni   

Publisher: Nevarech, distributed by Urim  Ktav 

Pub Date: January 31, 2013   

ISBN: 978-966575, hardcover, 681 pages $29.95



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[ha-Safran] New books on Jewish Dating Jewish Marriage

2012-12-13 Thread Stuart Schnee
I am please to bring to your attention books by author Shaya Ostrov. They
are available via Amazon and the publisher directly.



Can You Survive Jewish Dating?


What Really Makes a Marriage Work?


Marriage Counselor Shares 30 Years of Experience and Jewish Wisdom


The Talmudic term Menuchas Hanefesh   refers to inner tranquility and
Shaya Ostrov, L.C.S.W., an veteran marital and relationship therapist has
harnessed the power of this age-old wisdom and created three unique and
inspiring guides to help individuals and couples cultivate healthy, lifelong
relationships. The Menuchah Principle in Marriage, The Menuchah Principle in
Shidduchim, Dating and Engagement and The Tranquility Principle are inspired
by the teachings of Torah Sages and serve as guides for couples to integrate
the inner power of menuchas hanefesh, tranquility, into the tapestry of
their marriage and family life.  All three publications include:


A step-by-step guide for utilizing the menucha/tranquility principle in
order to cultivate healthy, lifelong relationships.

Wisdom from the Torah sages that has the power to transform couples,
individuals, and relationships.

Fascinating and informative insight from a marital, pre-marital, and family
therapist with more than 30 years of experience.


About the Author

Shaya Ostrov, L.C.S.W, is a seasoned marital and relationship counselor who
has helped thousands of couples build and rebuild, loving, lifelong
relationships.  He has been practicing marital, pre-marital, and family
therapy for over three decades, in addition to developing the Menuchas
Hanefesh program for couples and individuals. He has lectured throughout the
country, providing wisdom and inspiration that help build the foundation of
healthy relationships.  He is a lecturer at the Bar Ilan University Graduate
School of Social Work and is the Chairman of the School of Social Work at
the Orot College for Women.  


Title: The Menuchah Principle in Shidduchim, Dating and Engagement

Publisher: Judaica Press

ISBN 978-1-60763-077-7 Price: $24,95 US


Title: The Menuchah Principle in Marriage

Publisher: Judaica Press

ISBN 978-1-60763-039-5 Price: $24.95 US


Title: The Tranquility Principle (Kindle Edition)

Publisher: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.  ASIN: B008PL3HV0  Price: $11.99 US



Stuart Schnee

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[ha-Safran] New Book: The Jewish Art of Self Discovery

2012-12-12 Thread Stuart Schnee
I am pleased to notify you about the new title The Jewish Art of Self
Discovery by Benjamin Rapaport.


This book is available via Ingram, Baker  Taylor, the publisher as well as
Amazon and Jewish book stores everywhere.


Enjoy, Stuart Schnee





The Jewish Art of Self Discovery


.a major contribution to Torah-oriented psychology   -Rabbi Abraham J.
Twerski, M.D.


The Jewish Art of Self Discovery gives readers, in as clear and concise a
way as possible, a broad spectrum of the Torah's insights into
self-knowledge. People are busier than ever and need a work that enables
them to connect to an insight that is deeply meaningful, thought and emotion
provoking, and highly relevant in just a few minutes. The eighty pieces that
make up The Jewish Art of Self-Discovery, its stories and reflection
questions, are an attempt to meet this need. 

Rabbi Benjamin Rapaport understands that self-knowledge allows us to access
our inner resources, recognize and shape the lens through which we see the
world, and navigate a course to actualize our highest potential. The Jewish
Art of Self Discovery is a guidebook for entering the gates of this wisdom
of self discovery. This work uses the timeless insights into human nature
contained in Torah literature as its compass. Through the use of concise
essays, stories, and reflective questions, the author brilliantly escorts
the reader along their path.


About the Author

Benjamin Rapaport grew up in Great Neck, NY, the son of a famous surgeon and
scientist. Following high school, he decided to take a six-month trip to
Israel that turned into a twenty-year career of study. Ben received semicha
(Rabbinic ordination) from Beth Medrash Govoha of Lakewood, N.J.  in 2002,
taught in the Mir Yeshiva in Jerusalem for six years, and lectured at a
number of introductory programs to Judaism. More recently, his activities
have included earning a master's degree in Clinical Sociology and
establishing a clinical practice in counseling. Ben currently lives with his
family in Jerusalem, where he works with individuals and groups, helping
them to discover and develop their unique talents and abilities.


Title: The Jewish Art of Self Discovery

Author: Benjamin Rapaport

Publisher: Urim Publications 

ISBN 978-965-524-130-3 Price: $24,95 US



Stuart Schnee

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[ha-Safran] Would you like to receive new catalogues from Jewish publishers?

2012-11-26 Thread Stuart Schnee
Dear friends,


New catalogues are now available from Feldheim Publishers and Menucha
Publishers. If you would like to receive a complimentary copy of these
catalogues, please send your full mailing address to Cori Widen at
off...@stuartschnee.com and we will have them sent out to you ASAP!


Best, Stuart Schnee


Stuart Schnee

Public Relations, Marketing  Sales

US Tel: 973-796-2753

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[ha-Safran] A Financial Guide to Aliyah and Life in Israel

2012-10-15 Thread Stuart Schnee
Now available from Feldheim.com or Amazon.com:


A Financial Guide to Aliyah and Life in Israel


Making Aliyah is a wonderful and challenging experience. A Financial Guide
to Aliyah and Life in Israel with its breadth of useful information,
critical tools and thoughtful advice will help make your aliyah a success.
- Natan Sharansky, Chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel, former Minister
and Deputy Prime Minister of the State of Israel 


Baruch Labinsky has helped hundreds to navigate Israel's complex financial
system. His time-tested and proven approach has empowered his clients with
the knowledge and skills they need for financial success.  A Financial Guide
to Aliyah and Life in Israel, with its clear, explanatory style, is written
for both the layperson and professional. It spans a range of financial
issues, from pre-Aliyah (creating a financial plan, real estate decisions,
asset management, etc.) to post-Aliyah (employment benefits, banking, living
on a budget, tax planning and more). With Baruch Labinsky's sage advice
readers will.


. Understand the financial aspects of a successful Aliyah 

. Learn the ins and outs of the Israeli financial system

. Plan for retirement in Israel

. Make wise real estate decisions

. Save tremendous amounts of time and money

. Have the Israeli banks work for them


About the Author

Baruch Labinsky is the founder of Labinsky Financial and an independent
financial planner and investment manager, licensed by the Israel Securities
Authority. Over the last fifteen years, Baruch has helped hundreds of
families, individuals, and organizations create step by step financial plans
to maximize and leverage their financial success. Known for his ability to
break down complex financial problems into easily understood solutions,
Baruch has become the point-man for many Olim and their financial issues.
Aliyah organizations regularly invite him to lecture in Israel and around
the world on financial management in Israel, home finances and investments,
and other related topics. Baruch is an MBA Honors graduate in Finance from
the Schulich School of Business in Toronto. He is a member of the Society of
Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) and is a Registered Trust and Estate
Practitioner (TEP). Baruch and his wife Tammy moved to Israel in 1993.

Title: A Financial Guide to Aliyah and Life in Israel

Author:  Baruch Labinsky

Publisher: Mosaica Press

ISBN: 978-1-937887-02-5 Price: $19.99 US.  79 NIS Paperback



Stuart Schnee

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[ha-Safran] Understanding the Greatest Bible Translator. In English.

2012-10-15 Thread Stuart Schnee




Understanding the Greatest Bible Translator. In English.


At last, the English speaking world will be able to understand why our
Sages mandated the weekly reading of Onkelos and why it is imperative for us
today to understand the Torah through the eyes of the most accepted and
popular translator of the Bible in Jewish History.

- Rabbi Yonah Metzger, Chief Rabbi of Israel


.an important work for all those who want to take Torah seriously

- Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm, Chancellor, Yeshiva University


More than one thousand translations of the Bible have been written; none
achieved the prominence and importance of the Targum Onkelos, an Aramaic
translation of the Pentateuch, written more than 1600 years ago. During the
last decade, Bible scholars Rabbi Dr. Stanley M. Wagner and Rabbi Dr. Israel
Drazin published a five volume translation of the Targum with a running
English commentary.  Understanding Onkelos is a companion volume that, by
Torah portion, provides fifty four lessons that clarify the uniqueness and
brilliance of Onkelos in understanding the biblical text.


This is a must read text for all lovers of Torah.


About the Authors

Rabbi Dr. Stanley M. Wagner is Professor Emeritus at the University of
Denver and Founding Director and Director Emeritus of its Center for Judaic
Studies; and Founding Director and Director Emeritus of the Mizel Museum in
Denver. He received six degrees of higher learning from Yeshiva University,
including a doctorate in Jewish History. He has written, edited or co-edited
ten volumes and many scholarly articles.


Rabbi Dr. Israel Drazin is the author of eighteen books, eleven of which are
on the topic of Onkelos.  He was the first scholar to recognize that the
Targum took hundreds of items from the Tannaitic Midrashim - those that were
edited around 400 CE - and even incorporated many words found in these
Midrashim in his translation. He received a number of Rabbinic ordinations,
and earned a B.A. in Theology, an M.Ed. in Psychology, an M.A. in Hebrew
Literature, a J.D. in Law and a Ph.D. in Aramaic Literature. He is currently
working on three forthcoming titles.


Title:  Understanding Onkelos: The Greatest Bible Translator

Authors: Rabbi Dr. Stanley M. Wagner and Rabbi Dr. Israel Drazin

Publisher: Targum PressISBN 978-1-56871-752-4

Price: $33.99  Publication Date: October 2012




Stuart Schnee

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[ha-Safran] New for Kids: One Hero. Three Stories. Tzaki and his Holiday Miracles

2012-09-11 Thread Stuart Schnee
Kids will love this colorful and fast moving book. Available via Amazon.



Tzaki and his Holiday Miracles


Three adventure packed stories lead young readers through Jewish holidays as
they share the exploits of Tzaki, an 11 year old Israeli boy as he uses
imagination and ingenuity to help the Israeli army out of difficult
predicaments that seem to have no solution! 


Tzaki and his Sukkah

Tzaki is asleep in his Sukkah. He is awakened by mysterious sounds from his
lulav and etrog.  They warn him about Israeli soldiers trapped behind enemy
lines.  Is he ready for a miraculous adventure with his sukkah - a sukkah
that flies?


Tzaki's Sukkah and his Magic Dreidel

An Israeli gunboat is grounded by accident on the Saudi Arabian coast.  How
can the gunboat and its crew be rescued without starting a battle?  Will
Tzaki and his younger sister Yonit - like the ancient Maccabees -- be able
to perform a modern-day Hanukkah miracle?


Tzaki and the Frozen Helicopters

New up-to-date helicopters have been ordered and shipped from the United
States to Israel.  But a fierce snowstorm has grounded these helicopters
deep in the mountains and gorges of the Austrian Alps.  These helicopters
must reach Israel for a special Passover mission.  The Israeli Air Force
calls upon Tzaki to help!  


About the Author

Avraham Feder has taught at Bar-Ilan University and the Jerusalem Seminary
of Judaic Studies and was the founder of MAOR, the Foundation for Unity and
Diversity in Jewish Life.  He has lectured for the Israel Defense Forces in
Judaism, Zionism, and Moral Values, and has been consultant in the field of
Moral Education to the Israel Ministry of Education.

Prior to moving to Israel in 1981 he served as a rabbi and cantor in North
America.  He holds a Masters in Hebrew Literature, a Masters in Sacred
Music, and a PhD in Educational Theory.  He is the author of In Search of My
Brothers, a work on Jewish education and moral values, and Torah through a
Zionist Vision, discussions of the weekly Torah portions.  He has published
numerous essays and articles on the subjects of Judaism, Zionism, Moral
Values and Aesthetics.


Title: Tzaki and His Holiday Miracles

Publisher: Mosaica Press, Inc.

Author:  Avraham Feder

Illustrator: Lisa Cain  Editor: Tzipora Ne'eman

ISBN: 978-1-937887-03-2   Price: $14.99,  paper back



Stuart Schnee

Public Relations, Marketing  Sales

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[ha-Safran] Bestselling Israeli Children's Author now in English!

2012-06-19 Thread Stuart Schnee
Top Israeli Children's Author Now in English


Books Focus on Jewish and General Themes



Meet Menucha Fuchs. Israeli children have been reading her books for
decades. She has been identified as one of Israel's top ten authors and
earned a place as one of the hundred most influential religious Israelis.
Educators and parents alike praise her work for its ability to teach
valuable lessons through quality writing and memorable characters.

Now, for the first time, the works of premier Israeli author,
Menucha Fuchs will be available to the English speaking public through
Menucha Publishing. Young children and early readers, together with their
parents, will be able to benefit from the beloved books that have made Fuchs
into a household name across Israel. Culling from her experience as a
mother, parenting consultant and seasoned author, Fuchs takes her books
beyond ordinary stories. With a knack for language and a keen understanding
of childhood development, she infuses her books with timely lessons on
values and good behavior that aid parents as much as they educate children.

Beginning with four of her most popular series, totaling more
than thirty books, Menucha Publishing will be distributing all of Menucha
Fuchs' books in the United States.In the series Living and
Learning, engaging pictures of real children give an insider view of how
everyday staples, such as milk, bread and glass are processed from raw
materials into the products used in their homes each day. In Animal Kingdom
animated characters, including Perry Porcupine and Solly Snake teach
children that everyone is special in his own way. Fuchs' Marvelous Moishy
book series includes timeless lessons about sharing, independence, honesty,
personal safety and other important values.

Fuchs has also been recently commissioned by the publishing arm
of The National Society for Hebrew Day Schools, Torah Umesorah Publications,
to create a comprehensive Hebrew language enrichment curriculum for use in
United States schools, geared toward grade school and high school students.
This innovative multi-media program is designed to impart a love for the
Hebrew language in students without the need for pressure or exams, relying
instead on positive study and engaging material to achieve mastery.


About the author:

Menucha Fuchs is a Jerusalem-based mother of six and author of over 300
books for readers ranging from toddler to adults. Though she is best known
for her children books, she also writes educational materials that are
widely used in the Israeli school system. She began her writing career as a
freelance journalist, and is credited with publications in almost all major
Israeli media outlets. In recent years she has also produced more than 40
educational videos for young children based on the characters of her most
popular works. She is also well known for her popular radio programs geared
towards parents and children and is frequently called upon to lecture to
both children and adults on a variety of topics.


Books can be ordered by contacting Menucha Publishing at 718-232-0856 ext 0
or 3 

or via email: sa...@menuchapublishers.com




Stuart Schnee

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[ha-Safran] New materials for learning Hebrew.....crafted by bestselling Israeli Children's author

2012-06-07 Thread Stuart Schnee

Dear Librarians –


Menucha Publishing of NY announces new materials for the teaching of Hebrew
crafted by bestselling Israeli Children's author Menucha Fuchs.


A Revolution in עברית   Study in Torah Schools

With the program”אנחנו אוהבים עברית  by Menucha Fuchs – produced in
conjunction with Torah Umesorah.

 This new series was developed especially for North American children,
and aims at teaching children through precision and excitement. Children
taught with this method will master conversational skills with a 180-word
vocabulary after Level 1. They will acquire this through games; films;
stories; grammar, spelling and language exercises… all intended to get
children to love the language.

In the coming school-year, תשעג, primary grade children will be able to
learn via the new method. Levels 1 and 2 are intended for children with
minimal reading and writing skills. Some schools might teach Level 1 and
part of 2 during the first year, depending on the achievement of children.

  For the following school year, 4 additional levels will be ready, such
that most elementary grades will have been completely immersed in the
program in a short time.

 The series אנחנו אוהבים עברית will constitute a real revolution in
the understanding of Hebrew outside of Eretz Yisrael.

 Special emphasis was placed on quick and effective learning, and this
in consideration of the fact that many schools assign only a few hours each
week to learning the language.


Note to Menahalim/os

   Torah  Umesorah Publications has commissioned the world-renowned Mrs.
Menucha Fuchs to produce, with assistance of TU’s Walder Education Pavilion
(Chicago), a program for teaching  עברית in our schools. 

   The result is a magnificent, multi-faceted and all-encompassing
curriculum, comprised of numerous components, and geared specifically to the
North American chinuch scene. The אנחנו אוהבים עברית program  is written
with unparalleled expertise; it is produced completely על פי רוח התורה; and
it is filled with beautiful color illustrations and creative design. The
program, which by next year will include components to Grade 6 and High
School offers all that is necessary for a complete and pervasive study. We
are proud of this achievement and we strongly encourage principals to
explore the program’s implementation in their institutions. 



Order from…

Menucha Publishers Inc.

250  44th street 
Brooklyn N.Y. 11232 
Tel/Fax: 718-232-0856 ext 2




Promotion price : $11.00 /child. This includes all materials— a $35.00



 Special emphasis is placed on positive study – no tests, no pressure,
no forced memorization – only learning through enjoyable, positive
reinforcement. Special focus was also placed on the study of speech and
comprehension, before language and grammar rules. According to the new
method, the child should succeed in conversing before learning the complex
grammar rules and without becoming confused by information overload.


 Two important goals impacted on the creation of the series: One: that
it shall lead to easier study of Torah by children. Two: to make the child
the “emissary of Hebrew language” at home… to enrich himself, members of the
family and the community around in Hebrew skills.


 Each level of the program is augmented by learning components that
speak to a child’s heart, so to speak. All of a child’s senses are addressed
in this method, in order to foster the child’s understanding and love.  At
the first level, the child will quickly internalize reading and writing
processes in a fascinating way, making him/her active in the learning
process and to use natural potentials in effectively pursuing the goal.


Program Components:

The reader.

Writing and review workbook.

“Library” readers for strengthening skills

Colored and attractive pocket Dictionary for each level

Teacher’s guide, with detailed activities

Card games to reinforce material

Audio-CD with songs based on the material

DVD with songs and stories.

Figures for easy teacher demonstration in class

Cardboard figures for children

Gifts for children

And much more


More great news! Hebrew-language study at the HIGH-SCHOOL LEVEL will
also be revolutionized by a secondary-level אנחנו אוהבים עברית  series, by
Menucha Fuchs – also in conjunction with Torah Umesorah.  The first level,
for the 9th Grade, will בעזרת ה'  be available around Chanukah of the coming
year. After the beginning of the coming school year, details will be


Stuart Schnee

Public Relations, Marketing  Sales

US Tel: 973-796-2753

Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120

Fax: +972-2-561-0943




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[ha-Safran] Biography - The Founder of Daf Yomi

2012-06-05 Thread Stuart Schnee
Feldheim Publishers is pleased to announce the publication of a biography on
the founder of the Daf Yomi system


Rav Meir Shapiro

A Blaze in the Darkening Gloom

ISBN: 0-87306-675-8



The upcoming sweeping celebration of the Siyum HaShas is a true testimonial
to the steadfast devotion of the Jewish People to Torah learning. But every
movement must have an initiator. Who began the Daf Yomi system, empowering
Jews of all occupations, across the religious spectrum, to unite in rigorous
Torah learning? Read the fascinating biography of Rav Meir Shapiro, ztl,
founder of the Daf Yomi program, the dynamic impetus who had a vision to
ensure the continuity of Torah commitment. Expertly written, this
fascinating book will draw you back in time, to a world that was, and a
dream that is, and will be, preserved forever.



This book can be ordered online at:




Or ordered by contacting Feldheim:


Feldheim Publishers
208 Airport Executive Park
Nanuet, NY 10954
Phone: 845-356-2282
Out of NY State: 800-237-7149
Fax: 845-425-1908
email: sa...@feldheim.com






Stuart Schnee

Public Relations, Marketing  Sales

US Tel: 973-796-2753

Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120

Fax: +972-2-561-0943




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[ha-Safran] This is America - new novel on US Jewish immigrant experience

2012-04-17 Thread Stuart Schnee
Israel Bookshop Publications is proud to announce the publication of the new
novel This is America by Henya Meyer.

This book can be ordered by contacting:


Toll Free: 888.536.7427 
Tel: 732.901.3009
Fax: 732.901.4012





The Jewish Immigrant Experience ..As it Really Was


Before you go to bed.

Mamme stopped Tatte. I've unpacked our good Shabbos tablecloth. Where do I
put it away? Where do you keep yours?  Tatte looked uneasy. He hesitated.
We... ah, we didn't have much use for one, he said at last.  There was a
long silence. Finally Mamme said, Zelig. Tell me the truth. Do you work on


When the Gordons escaped pogrom-ridden Russia and washed up on the shores of
Ellis Island, little could they have fathomed how the course of their lives
was about to change. Forever. With bustling tenements, endless sweatshops,
and throngs racing madly to work. this was definitely the New World. New
opportunities - and bitter choices. 

In this vivid and well-researched saga, originally seri-alized in the
Hamodia Magazine, gifted author Henye Meyer relives the East Side of the
early 20th century in all its flavor and complexity. We enter the pulsating
realm of pushcarts, labor union strikes.and divided loyalties. 

And so, inundated by waves of financial struggle, social unrest, and
spiritual conflict, this colorful family struggles to stay afloat. 


The characters:


Tatte: He's determined to support and integrate his immigrant family- but at
what price? 

Mamme: A bedrock of faith and love, will her influence override the great
American Dream? 

Elya: He may have survived his stint in the Russian army, but the
temptations beckoning from the streets of New York are just irresistible. 

Bina-Gittel: Bright and spirited, will she soon resemble her classmates at
PS 137? 

Hershel: Warm-hearted, thoughtful, and still impressionable - he's at the


About the Author

Henye Meyer was born in Phoenixville, PA, and graduated from Brandeis
University.  Although she detests history as it is generally taught, she
loves historical research. She has published two previous novels, with
another in an agent's hands, and has written for various Jewish publications
and the BBC. Mrs Meyer says she has a respectable number of children and
believes she has at least a couple of dozen grandchildren.  She lives in
Manchester, England.


Title: This is America

Publisher: Israel Bookshop Publications

Editor: Henye Meyer

ISBN: 978-1-60091-196-5
stomfield=7SearchValues=901  Hardcover $23.95,   352 Pages




Stuart Schnee

Public Relations, Marketing  Sales

US Tel: 973-796-2753

Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120

Fax: +972-2-561-0943



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[ha-Safran] English edition of the Mishnah Berurah

2012-03-22 Thread Stuart Schnee




Although not the first work of its kind, the Ohr Olam Edition of the Mishna
Berurah is certainly the best.  It is a masterpiece rightfully assuming its
place in the world of advanced English Torah literature.  Rabbi Ari Enkin,
Hirhurim Blog




Now, English readers can learn Mishnah Berurah as never before from the 

sources all the way to practical application in modern life. The new Ohr
Olam Mishnah Berura is a masterpiece worth waiting for and is already in its
second printing.


This monumental project includes:


. Top quality, readable translation of the Shulchan Aruch and Mishnah
Berurah with comprehensive commentary and elucidation


. Insightful explanatory notes, with opinions of today's leading Poskim on
contemporary issues


.The Beiur Halachah summarized 


. Attractive illustrations, diagrams,  charts


. Contemporary Halachic Discussions from Rabbi Doniel Neustadt , renowned
author of the Weekly Halachah Discussion



Title: Ohr Olam Mishnah Berura 

Pub Date: January 2012 

Format: Printed in 2 sizes, large full size and convenient smaller version


 Available in the USA at Z. Berman Books: http://www.zbermanbooks.com

Available in Israel at Judaica Bookstores or contact: i...@ohr-olam.org

Available in the UK:  Tel: 020 8203 3821 or Mobile: 07894 335 965 



Stuart Schnee

Public Relations, Marketing  Sales

US Tel: 973-796-2753

Israel Tel: +972-54-790-9120

Fax: +972-2-561-0943



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