Hi Everyone!

On June 27 1976, an Air France flight from Tel-Aviv to Paris via Athens
was hijacked and forced to land in Entebbe, Uganda.
The Jewish passengers were separated and held hostage in demand
to release many terrorists held in Israeli prisons.
After much debate, the Israeli government sent an elite commando unit
to raid the airfield and release the hostages. The commando unit,
aircraft crews and the rescued hostages landed in Israel on July 4, 1976.
Yonatan Netanyahu, the commander of the first aircraft´s Sayeret Matkal rescue 
was shot and killed while helping hostages return to the aircraft.

"Operation Entebbe" was later named "Operation Yonatan" in honor
of Lieutenant Colonel Jonathan Netanyahu z"l.

I created a page with images, newspaper headlines, videos 
and articles about the historic Israeli rescue.

May the memory of Yoni Netanyahu be for a blessing,
Today, I took a long walk in Ma'ale Adumim
and took photos of flora. I posted them at:
Enjoy the photos!
In honor of the United States of America Independence Day,
I created a page with 13 unique videos and 10 cool USA maps.


Please share the pages. Thank you!

Happy 4th of July! Happy Birthday America!
Happy Entebbe Day!

Jacob Richman
jrichman @ jr.co.il

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