Dear SSC Division Members,

Below please find the agenda for the SSC Division Meeting that will take
place on Tuesday, June 20 at 11:15 AM in the Chapel at HUC.

If you think I have missed something, please let me know - keeping in mind
that we have 45 minutes.

See you soon!

Kathy B.

*Association of Jewish Libraries Conference - SSC Division Meeting *

*Tuesday, June 20, 2017**=**11:15 AM – 12:00 PM*

*Chapel, Hebrew Union College, NYC*


·        Welcome & Call to Order – Kathy Bloomfield

·        Approval of the June 2016 AJL Division Meeting Minutes - Debbie

·        SSC President’s Report -  Kathy Bloomfield

o   Notes relevant to SSC from the Board & Council Meetings

o   Strategic Planning Committee Work

§  HaSafran Survey

·        Presentation of the Groner-Wikler Scholarship Award  -  Kathy

§  Acceptance & Jewish Librarianship Remarks – Annette Goldsmith

·        Presentation of Accreditation Certificates – Rachail Kurtz

·        SSC Committee Reports:

o   Sydney Taylor Manuscript Committee – Aillen Grossberg

o   Sydney Taylor Book Award Committee – Ellen Tillman

o   Bibliography Bank – Laura Schutzman

o   AJL Wiki  – Laura Schutzman

o   Jewish Values Finder – Heather Lenson

o   WEINE User’s Group – Lee Jaffe

·        New Business:

o   Conversation about Books needing updating

§  *Jewish Classics for Kids *by Linda Silver

§  *Collection Development in Smaller Judaica Libraries (2Vol)*

§  *Notable Children’s Books of Jewish Content*

o   2018 Conference in Boston, MA – Suggestions

o   Other ideas for SSC focus

·        Announcements

·        Adjourn the meeting

General Membership Meeting to follow at 12:00 PM

Kathleen M. Bloomfield
Association of Jewish Libraries, President - Schools, Synagogues &
Libraries Division
kids books that matter.

"The fact of knowing how to read is nothing,
the whole point is knowing what to read."
                                        - Jacques Ellul
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