Dear colleagues:
On November 13, 2023, at 12 pm EST, the Jewish Public Library in Montreal, and 
the Library of the Leo Baeck Institute New York
present a virtual, collaborative rare book workshop illuminating examples of 
Christian-Jewish Discourses in the Medieval & Early Modern Period.


The early modern period (15th-18th centuries) in the Holy Roman Empire was a 
time of anxiety, transition, and alternating friction and rapprochement between 
Jews and Christians. The speakers will present examples of early printed books 
from their rare book collections that not only provide insights into important 
Christian-Jewish discourses of their time, but also shaped them. We will cover 
the Nuremberg Jewish Oath of 1484, probably the first Jewish oath ever printed, 
which became the dominant model for oath formulas until the eighteenth century; 
the raging pre-Reformation debate in the early 16th century over whether or not 
to burn Jewish books-also known as the Reuchlin-Pfefferkorn debate or the 
Battle of the Books-which was inconceivable without the new medium of printing; 
and lastly, Moses Mendelssohn's Bi'ur (1794), the first German translation of 
the Pentateuch, in context with the author's published memoirs. This one-hour 
virtual workshop is open to the public and will be followed by a 
question-and-answer period with the audience.

Presenter biographies:

Eddie Paul, Senior Director of Library and Learning Services, Jewish Public 

Eddie oversees collections development, cataloguing, and reference services at 
the JPL. For the last few years, he has also developed education outreach 
programming that includes the Michael D. Paul Rare Books Initiative, the Where 
Do You Think You Come From genealogy workshops for youth, and a series of other 
projects designed to create convergences between the JPL's Archives and Special 
Collections and the public through storytelling. He has worked in various 
capacities at the Humanities and Social Sciences Library at McGill University, 
Scott Library at York University, the Toronto Public Library, as well as 
Library & Archives Canada. In 2014, he curated the JPL's first rare book 
exhibit and catalogue entitled A Roomful of Dwellings, in addition to having 
co-curated an exhibit in 2017 with the Jacob Lowy Collection (Library & 
Archives Canada) entitled Decanting Memory: 500 Years of Jewish Printing. The 
rare book workshop program has included collaborations with LAC, University of 
Toronto, McGill University, Carleton University, the Montreal Holocaust Museum, 
the National Library of Israel, as well as important Judaica rare book 
collections in universities across the US.

Renate Evers, Bruno and Suzanne Scheidt Director of Collections, Leo Baeck 

Renate Evers has been serving as the Bruno and Suzanne Scheidt Director of 
Collections at the Leo Baeck Institute New York | Berlin (LBI) since 2016, 
coordinating the work of LBI's three collections departments - Archives, Art, 
and Library. She holds an MLS and MIS from German universities, an MCIS from 
Rutgers University, and an MA in Jewish Studies from Columbia University. She 
has worked in various capacities in special collections, archives, and 
university libraries, building and preserving physical and digital collections. 
Her research focuses on German-Jewish topics in the early modern period.

Please join if you find time.
Very best

Renate Evers
The Bruno and Suzanne Scheidt Director of Collections
Leo Baeck Institute New York | Berlin<>  |;!!KGKeukY!3COH1ymw3AffY7pOowco49RKsoSHPAVYeLkQwKJXOZILXgzl_4HckQbeofjXEzyuFfp-udJUjQRE93esEf3yJIeV-oXjdg$

Listen and subscribe to Exile, featuring stories from the LBI Collections 
narrated by Mandy Patinkin;!!KGKeukY!3COH1ymw3AffY7pOowco49RKsoSHPAVYeLkQwKJXOZILXgzl_4HckQbeofjXEzyuFfp-udJUjQRE93esEf3yJIfFz38s-w$

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