Dear AJL-SSC Members and all interested parties,

Our Annual AJL-SSC meeting is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, June 19,
2018 at 10:45 AM in the Chapel at Temple Israel Boston.  The Agenda is as

*Association of Jewish Libraries Conference - SSC Division Meeting *

*Tuesday, June 19, 2018**=**10:45 AM – 11:30 AM*

*Temple Israel, Boston, MA*


·        Welcome & Call to Order – Kathy Bloomfield

·        Approval of the June 2017 AJL SSC Division Meeting Minutes

·        SSC President’s Report -  Kathy Bloomfield

o   Notes relevant to SSC from the Board & Council Meetings

·        Groner-Wikler Scholarship Award  -  Kathy Bloomfield

§  No award this year

·        Presentation of Accreditation Certificates – Kathy Bloomfield

o   Basic Accreditation

§  The Rashi School, Dedham, MA

§  Library of Jewish Day School of the Lehigh Valley, Allentown, PA

o   Advanced Level Accreditation

§  Congregation Beth AM Library, Los Altos Hills, CA

o   Advanced Level Accreditation – Renewal

§  Jay Allan Myers Library, Tulsa, OK

·        SSC Committee Reports:

o   Sydney Taylor Manuscript Committee – Aileen Grossberg

o   Sydney Taylor Book Award Committee – Susan Kusel

o   Bibliography Bank – Laura Schutzman

o   AJL Wiki  – Laura Schutzman

o   Jewish Values Finder – Heather Lenson

o   WEINE User’s Group – Arlene Ratzabi & Lee Jaffe

·        New Business:

o   Introduce Emily Bergman, new SSC President

o   Library Advocacy Task Force

o   STBA 50th Anniversary  information

o   2019 Conference in Los Angeles, CA – Suggestions

o   Other ideas for SSC focus

·        Announcements

·        Adjourn the meeting

General Membership Meeting to follow at 11:30 AM

This is a lot to accomplish in 45 minutes, so please plan to arrive on

Last year's minutes are at the end of this email.  Please let me know if we
need to make any changes prior to the meeting.

I look forward to seeing you all in Boston in just one week!

Kathy B.

Kathleen M. Bloomfield
Association of Jewish Libraries, President - Schools, Synagogues &
Libraries Division
kids books that matter.

"The fact of knowing how to read is nothing,
the whole point is knowing what to read."
                                        - Jacques Ellul

*Minutes of the 2017 AJL-SSC Division Meeting*

*Tuesday, June 20, 2017, HUC- New York, NY*

Kathy Bloomfield, President, AJL-SSC Division, opened the meeting at 11:20

*Approval of 2016 Minutes*

·         Susan Kusel, Vice President, AJL- SSC Division read the 2016

·         Ellen Tilman made a change in the minutes- that she, and not
Aileen, gave the STBA award to Aharon Appelfeld in Israel.

o   The minutes were amended.

·         Etta Gold motioned to accept the minutes. Heidi seconded the
motion. The 2016 SSC Meeting minutes were approved.

*Board/Council Meeting Recap*

·         Kathy outlined several items relevant to the SSC that were
discussed at the Board and Council meetings on Sunday, June 18.

o   ALA and AJL are going to be doing webinars on a large range of topics.
Kathy solicited ideas for webinars.

*Twitter Feed*

·         Kathy asked for a SSC volunteer to do the AJL Twitter feed.

o   There was a twitter request (be more active and decide what our goals
are with twitter)

*HaSafran *

·         Kathy discussed the results of the HaSafran survey she conducted
on behalf of the Strategic Planning Committee.

o   Question was posed “ Do you have to be an AJL member to join HaSafran?”
 Answer was you do not  need to be a member.

*Presentation of the Groner-Wikler Scholarship*

·         Kathy awarded the Groner-Wikler scholarship to Annette Goldsmith.

·         Annette gave a short speech accepting the award.

*Judaica Librarianship*

·         There was a request for SSC writers and SSC realted articles
for *Judaica

o   Fred Isaac mentioned the idea of an article about 50 years of the
Sydney Taylor Book Award.

·         Ideas/topics for Judaica Librarianship articles were brainstormed:

o   Collections

o   Evaluations

o   Trends

o   Updating old articles

o   Gender portrayal


·         Rachail Kurtz presented accreditation certificates to15 libraries

·         Kathy restated that accreditation is important for advocacy

*Sydney Taylor Manuscript Award*

·         Aileen Grossberg reported on the Sydney Taylor Manuscript Award
Committee’s work.

·         There is no winner this year because the manuscript that was to
be awarded had been previously submitted to another group and was on the
short list for that group’s award. The author had to withdraw the book from
consideration by the STMC as the rules are that books not be submitted
elsewhere while under consideration by the STMC.  The Committee did not
want to consider a “runner-up” book for the 2017 Award.

·         The committee is changing this rule for future manuscripts,
allowing books to be submitted elsewhere.

·         The 2015 STMA winner is being published by Holiday House in 2017.

*Sydney Taylor Book Award Committee*

·         Ellen Tilman delivered the Sydney Taylor Book Award Committee

o   She reported that the committee received 110 submissions, 19 of which
were unsuitable.

·         By mistake, both the STBAC and the National Jewish Book Awards
Committees announced their winner on the same date in 2017.  The effect was
very positive and the two groups are planning to work together in the

o   The 2018 STBA will be announced with the NJBA in January 2018.

·         The committee is also working on the connection between PJ
library and AJL

·         Rena Citrin is joining the STBAC in 2018.

·         For a number of personal reasons, Ellen is stepping down as Chair
of the STBAC. Susan Kusel has agreed to be the new chair.

*AJL Publications*

Laura Schutzman reported on AJL publications.

*Bibliography bank*

·         Laura Schutzman also reported on the Bibliography Bank

o   Archive older than 2010

*AJL Wiki*

·         Laura Schutzman also reported that changes would be coming soon
to the AJL Wiki.

*Jewish Values Finder*

·         Heather Lenson reported on her work with the Jewish Values
Finder. She asked for assistance from anyone interested in helping her
enter data into the database.

*WEINE Users Group*

·         Arlene Ratzabi reported on the WEINE Users Group, stating
that updates
were being made to classics.

*Upcoming Conferences*

·         Ideas for the 2018 Boston Conference were solicited

·         AJL is Looking for site for the 2019 Conference.

At 12 Noon, Susan Kusel moved to adjourn the meeting.  Amalia seconded the
motion. Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,

Debbie Feder

SSC Secretary
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