Taking my lead from Rebecca Jefferson, I am sending the minutes of the SSC
Meeting from Charleston in June 2016.

*Minutes from AJL SSC Division meeting June 19, 2016*

Kathy Bloomfield called the meeting to order 4:30 PM.

Kathy announced that as Aimee was not able to attend the conference and
Chaya as VP was not able to speak, she would run the meeting.

*2015 Minutes:*

Debbie Feder read the minutes from last year.

Kathy asked for a motion to approve minutes.

Heidi seconded the motion.

The minutes were unanimously approved.

Kathy introduced Susan Kusell as the new SSC VP.

*Committee Reports:*

Rachail Kurtz was not at conference.  Kathy read accreditation report:
announcements were placed in HaSafran several times in order to
encourage applying for accreditation and renewal of accreditation.
Benefits and deadlines for applying were highlighted.  Rachail emailed all
the libraries whose membership had expired in the past year or was about to
expire to remind them to renew. 5 applications were received.  They will
receive their certificates at the conference.

Enid Sperber was not present,  her report on the Bibliography Bank was as
follows: Six new bibliographies were added to the Bibliography Bank and all
bibliographies over 7 years old were deleted as obsolete.

Joyce Levine is stepping down as coordinator of the Wiki.  She said she
would be willing to train a new volunteer to take over.  She spoke about
how valuable the wiki is. Kathy asked Joyce what is involved in doing the
wiki.  Joyce replied that the wiki was well arranged for many topics.  It
does what librarians do which is sorting and organizing topics.  Toby
Harris agreed to manage the wiki.  The wiki is open to the public.  You do
not have to be a member of AJL to access it.

Aileen Grossberg reported that The Sydney Taylor Manuscript Award winner,
Meira Dreizen is coming from England to accept her award for "Honey and
Me".  Six good entries were received this year (they weren't all holocaust
or holiday books).   Aileen presented the STBA to Aron Applefeld in
Israel.  She requested volunteers to serve on the STBC.    Aileen said that
the Jewish Book Council was unresponsive to requests for publicity for the
STBA.  There was a discussion with suggestions that maybe Amalia can
officially write to the Jewish Book Council on behalf of the STBC.

Diane Rauchberger reported that the STBC received and read over 120 books
in 3 categories.  The new chair Ellen Tillman issued an invitation for
everyone to come to the sessions.

Aileen Ratzabi head of the Weine user's group was not present.  Her report
stated that there are about a dozen diverse people who are involved in the
group.   They want to address the problem of how the group can have access
to the current version online so that they can submit suggestions.  Aileen
would like to find something better than Google Docs.  Joyce offered
suggestions and said she would contact Aileen in order to clarify the
problem and possible solutions.

A secretary has not been chosen yet.

*Winkler-Groner Scholarship award *

Winkler-Groner award was won by Rena Citron.  Rachel will present the award
at lunch on Monday.

*2016 Conference Discussion:*

Next year's conference will be in NYC.  Suggestions for sessions were

·         It was suggested that we should revisit last year's topics which
were not used.  Anyone who has suggestions should email them to Jim.

·         Some of the suggestions mentioned:

·         genealogy is a popular topic.  It was suggested to ask David
Horowitz from Israel who is head of Heritage.com.

·         Ellen Tillman said she will present a program at her synagogue on
how to do a genealogy.

·         A suggestion was made that since the conference was in NYC we
should bring in as many authors as we can for the author's luncheon.

·         Joyce had concerns that the rooms are very small at HUC for

·         Ellen said that everyone should join JEDlab(?) on Facebook to
share our expertise with Jewish educators because 90% of the books
recommended to teach are not Jewish themed.

·         Ellen wanted to know if anyone was going to present at NEWCAJE

·         Heidi said that we should all keep on our radar if some local
program is scheduled so we can represent AJL, and we can all be ambassadors.

·         Heidi suggested more sessions on how to advocate for your library

·         Amalia suggested Freshman seminar sessions

·         Joyce suggested calling the sessions continuing education not
Freshman seminars

·         Amalia said that we should stress that if Synagogue or center
libraries get accredited they will be able to get more funding.

Amalia wished everyone a nice summer.

Adjourned 5:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted.

Chaya Wiesman

Kathleen M. Bloomfield
Association of Jewish Libraries, President - Schools, Synagogues &
Libraries Division

kids books that matter.

"The fact of knowing how to read is nothing,
the whole point is knowing what to read."
                                        - Jacques Ellul
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